Chapter Seven

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The qualifying went good. We reached pole position, and we actually deserved it after all the shit we pulled in Australia. The team deserved it.

The day was nice, until she showed up at the elevator of my hotel. After five years. Just like that. Just like we never happened. Heart reached my knees when i saw her. She hadn't aged a bit. The same dirty blonde hair, and her tiny freckles all over her face i could notice from a mile away.

I saw her but i didn't move. Didn't run for her. She was panicking, i noticed her hands shaking when pushing the button to close the elevator.
My heart ached. Everything came flooding back. Everything i worked for until now. Every feeling i experienced that day i lost her, came back and grabbed me by the throat until my breathing got caught up.

It had been 1 year and 7 months since my last panic attack. Just with a glance at her, and i was back in the bathroom floor trying to fight it.

I spent the rest of the day locked in my room just thinking. I took out from my wallet the piece of paper she left me the night she ran away, her last note. I ran my fingers through it, reading it for the millionth time, "It's not your fault. Remember i love you" . I remember the confusion i felt when i woke up with it on the nightstand.

But then it passed, as all things do. It took a years, yes. Years of pretending. But i got over it. Until now. Five years later, five years full of hatred for her, for what she caused me, and with a single glance she got me back to the starting point.

But i won't give in. Not this time.

Then she hit my car. And tried to leave when she realised it was me. As much as i wanted to confront her, i couldn't. Not when a tiny human walked out of her car. She has a daughter. Her very own daughter.

I felt my world crumbling down my spine. Was it that easy to move on? Why did it take me years? Did she have a daughter right after she left me? I don't understand. What did i do wrong?

But i pretended it didn't faze me. She doesn't deserve the satisfaction.

Andrea called me to let me know about her. Xavi must've told him Iza is back in town. The three of them used to be really close. It was 10:25pm, and i was really not in the mood to talk to anyone but i answered anyway.

"Are you okay?" His voice through the line.

"Why wouldn't i be?" . A lie. Liar "Charles, don't do that. I know how much it hurt you, i was there." He's right, he was there. He has been here for every day i longed for her. Andrea became more than a trainer to me.

"Im okay i swear. This won't affect my performance tomorrow, i promise" i say reassuringly.

"It's the big day tomorrow, do not stress too much. Take some rest because you'll need it. Take care buddy"

"Thanks Andrea, Good night" i hang up and i do as he says. I go to sleep and stop thinking about her. I have more important things to prepare for.

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