Chapter thirteen

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I got my car back today. After picking up Emi from school we went home and took a nap. Or tried to at least. I coudn't rest for the life of me. I feel so lost i don't know what to do anymore. But Emi slept like a dead man. She insisted on going to the park after she woke up and i couldn't say no.

I watch as she moves around in the swing all alone and i can't help but feel bitter. I wonder if it's partly my fault for her unability to make friends. I don't want her to feel lonely. I don't want her life to turn out like mine. Where am i going wrong?

She looks over at me and waves, and i give back a reassuring smile. I notice a familiar face aproach us as he makes his way to the bench im sitting.
"Hi, Izabel"  Elliot says quitetly sitting down next to me. I just give him a look and don't respond. He waves at Emi and she waves back.

"Uhm.. i saw you sitting here alone, and i thought maybe you'd like to grab a coffee or mayb..."  his words trail off once he noticises the uniterested look in my face.The last thing i want is him around. Noemi comes around running "Ma, can we pleeease also get ice cream?"

"Peach you're sweating. Ice cream won't do any good right now"

"Mom please, the sweat will dry unitl we reach the ice cream shop. Please i won't ask for anything else"  she's jumping up and down and i can't say no.

"Mommy can Elliot come too?"  I was almost forgeting he was still here. "Peach Elliot must be busy, we'll go together"  i try to excuse.

"Actually, i'm free today"  he says while smiling at Emi. I shoot out a judgmental look his way but he just shrugges and smiles. Is he being serious right now. Emi jumps out of excitment. So all three of us leave the park.

The weather is so nice today. It's a bit windy but warm nonetheless. I watch Emi with Elliot together. You could almost be fooled he's her dad. He's holding he hand and they're pointing to clouds in the sky imagining different shapes and objects. She looks so happy. Sometimes i wonder how much happier we'd have been if he wouldn't drink. Sometimes i genuenly believed we could have a been a family.

We make it to the ice cream shop and we sit down at a table near the glass window.
"At your service ladies. How may i help you today?"" Elliot says as he's hovering over our head with his hands behind his back.

Emi laughs out loud "I want a butter pecan flavored ice cream" she yells

Then he looks at me. "I'll take the same"  So he goes over the counter and orders. He gets back to the table after five minutes with our ice creams.  And I awkwardly sit there and listen to them two playing "I spy" . Elliot feeds her a spoonful of his chocolate chip ice cream, and she wants to swich it after she's half way done with hers.

We all laugh and he gladly offers his ice cream to Emi. "Don't spoil her"  i say looking at him
He smiles "Just this time."  and winks at Emi.

After we're done with our ice creams Elliot pays the bill and we walk home.

"Peach take your shoes off. I'll sy goodbye to Elliot and be right back."  I tell her.

"Is Elliot not coming in?"  she says as her expressions drop off her face. She walks towards him and grabs his hand
"Stay here tonight Elliot pleeease. We still have to play rock paper scisors" she pleades. "Ma, can Elliot please stay over?"

"Emi i really don't-"

"Pleaseee mommy"  she continues pleading. I look over to him. He's waiting for my reaction. I contemplate for a few seconds then i slightly motion my head toward my apartment indicating for him to come in. He smiles and then grabs Emi's hand. I mean How bad can it go?

We get in and i walk to the kitchen to prepare dinner. I decited to go for lasagna since i already have the ingridients in the fridge. Emi loves lasagna.So does Elliot. Im not sure if he still does.

As im moving through the kitchen trying to gather everything, they both walk in slowly

"We wanna help" says Emi as she grins and looks up at Elliot who just shrugs.

"Really?" I act unfased. "Well, if you insist, be my guest" 

I give them directions on what to do and they just obey like fellow soldiers. I haven't seen Noemi smile like this in so long. Maybe he really did change.
Is it possible? I don't know. All i know is that the second i feel uncomfortable he's a gone man. I'm not gonna become a prey for a second time. I've suffered enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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