Chapter Ten

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I wipe the tears that escaped and remain silent on my spot on the floor. He looked at me with a sad expression, then slowly moved up from the couch, came sitting right next to me and he hugged me. He hugged me. He touched me and i suddenly felt less torn.

And I didn't pull back, because God how i've missed him. He felt warm and familiar. So solid and so safe that I wish i could just cling to his chest, bury my face into the curve of his neck and never let go.

"I know you're lying"  he says barely in a whisper and runs a hand through the back of my head slowly. The words are stuck in my throat. Because he's right.

And with that he pulls away and heads towards the door. He pulled out a key from his back pocket. So he locked us here on purpose, he could've let me out anytime.The sleeves of his sweater slightly rise up and i notice something. The lucky charm bracket. The one i gave him the night we had our first kiss. The black and gold obsedian beads.

He holds the door open for me and i can't do nothing but sit and stare. "You kept the bracelet"  I whisper

"I kept the memories too" 

I feel my eyes stinging. So i get up and leave before he notices. I run outside and i cry. I cry until i'm unable to breathe.

I cry until there's no tears left. Then i wipe the remaining tears on my cheeks and i go home to my daughter.

I find her sleeping on the couch with Nelly, the new babysitter, next to her. She greets me and i do the same. "I didn't want to disturb her before you arrive" she says

"I'll handle it, you can spend the night if you want, i'll have the guest room ready for you" and so i do. Then i get back to the living room and pick Emi up. Instead of her's, i take her to my room.

I rest her on the right side of the bed and i brush her hair out of her face. I kiss her forehead and i get in my side of the bed.
The more i look at her,the more i despise my self.

"I'm sorry,Peach. Im sorry for depriving you of a father figure. I thought i was doing the right thing"

She shifts in bed as if she heard me. She will grow up to hate me too. So I kiss her hand and try to live in this moment for as long as i can.
Then i try to sleep.

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