Chapter Eleven

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There's a knock on my front door. It's 7:30 in the morning. Its monday and im off work today so i was planning on taking Emi to school.

Nelly had left really early and she won't be back until thursday when i leave for Spain. I put the omelette in front of Emi who is sitting on the kitchen table jabbing her hands.

I walk to open the door, and the second i do im left frozen. It takes all the courage in me to move back and close it just as quick. I rest my back against the door. My hands start shaking, and i force my self to take a deep breath, when i hear him knocking again.

"Izabel" i hear that voice call my name. That vile voice. "Izabel, please, i just want to talk to you" he continues and im stuck.

"Mommy was that Elliot?" Emi comes into the hallway. "Peach, go finish your breakfast, we'll be leaving in a bit,okay?" i kiss her forehead and she does as i say. Then i approach the door, take a deep breath and i open it.

There he is. All this time back. I look at his face and everything comes flooding back. The late nights. The drinking. The violence. The screams and the tears. One look, and all the empire i built on my own crumbled to the ground. One look and that naive, defenceless young Iza was back.

"Izabel, there's so much i need to tell you, please just 10 minutes. Please"

"Elliot. You're gonna turn around, and go back to whatever shithole you came from, you hear me?"

"Iz, look i've changed. I went to rehab, im clean. I've been clean for 2 years. Im not here to ask for you back. I'm here to apologise. For everything i caused. I know it's not forgivable, but i want you to know that i really, really am so sorry."

I just stare at him unable to say anything. I sense Emi coming from the kitchen. His eyes drop to her and he smiles. It seems so genuine, if i didn't know him i'd say he still loves her as his own daughter. "Peach-" he continues to talk before i cut him off "Noemi. Her name is Noemi, you don't get to call her Peach"

"Hi, Elliot. You look so different now" she says shyly standing behind me. He does look different. He has a bit of beard now, and he grew out his hair.He has gotten bigger physically, as for mentally i'm not really sure.

He's never been cruel to Emi. He never layed a finger on her like he did on me. Emi doesn't know him like the raging monster he is. I made sure she never stayed up late to witness everything.

He kneels in front of her and stretches his hand out to hold hers and she doesn't hesitate to give it. "Yes i am a bit different now. But you're still a ray of sunshine, like you used to be" he smiles at her and she smiles back.

"If you'll excuse us, we need to head to school.Emi grab your backpack honey, we're late" she does as i say and we move outside and close the door. He just stays there.

We go down the stairs and he follows behind. We don't acknowledge him. When we make it out the building he rushes behind me and grabs me by the wrist. I yank it away
"Let me drive you" he says. He must've noticed no car in the building. Mine was still at the mechanic from two nights ago. I've had to take a taxi for two days


"Izabel it's just a ride, please let me make it up to you"

"No" and i leave.

I walk in the sidewalk holding Emi's hand and he doesn't follow after. I drop her to school and make my way back home. I get a few groceries on the way, and once i'm home, i do a bit of cleaning.

Now i'm walking to go pick up Emi, when i notice him leaning against his car in front of the school. "What the hell are you doing here, Elliot?"

"I didn't know at time she'd be dismissed so i've been waiting here since 11" he says calmly.
It's now almost 1pm.

"You don't get near my daughter when im not there." i say and he looks at me sad.

"I-... I apologise, i really just want to make things better" he's looking at his feet now and i almost feel sorry for him. Almost.

The bell has rang and a few seconds later i see Emi running towards me. "Hi ma, hi Elliot" she says all excited.

"Let me take you home"

I don't protest this time. Maybe he did really change. Maybe he did not. I can't figure it out in such short period of time. I guess time will tell. For now, i'm just going with the flow

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