Chapter two

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No one POV🥰:
In that moment, Noa felt like she messed up so bad with the nerd
Romania: how dare you mess with my biggest fan girl 😡🥵
John pork: *angry pig noises*
Mario: Mario is going to kick your ass 🤬
The kewl person stepped a bit as charlie's stupid group approached to her,Noa felt weak. Her whole body was shaking while she was laying in a fetal position on the dirty , crusty floor. Some little tears flew out of her eyes. She was just so surprised to see charlies sexy group.
Noa was now sweating so hard and shaking even more when she realized what she done
Noa: oh no...what have i done?!?
Charlie the nerd smiled at Noa as she turned into her final form which leaded Noa to be really shocked, the Walter white x america child form
Charlie (🤓): with the power of Walter white balls... YOUR GOING TO DIE 😈😈🔥🔥
The nerd said as she turned into her stupid final form. Charlie the stinky rat nerd and her stinky favorite character Romania and Johny porky along with the fat red Italian from Nintendo started to beat up the poor kewl girl
Noa:NO! Stop! I am sorry you stinky Walter white x america live child...
The poor girl said as the unkewl group were beating her till death,Noa felt like she was near death her body shaking and aching. But then she heard something. Or someone?As charlie's group stopped beating noa for a moment to hear, they heard someone coming.A shadow of the unknown people catches on the dirty ground. The outline of them bringing terror to charlies group.
The fat Italian was curious as he approached, As Mario approached to see who it was, he was really shocked
Mario: smg4...?
Mario said as John pork and Romania approached as they started to shake in fear when they saw who it was,As the shadow of the people were now fully shown, they started to shake in fear even more, it was america, random British kid from south park and a recolor of Mario, they were really angry at the rat's group
Romania:You know him..(smg4)?
Romania asked curiously.
Mario :All these years..
Mario says, tears in his eyes and with an very Italian accent as he was staring at the best YouTuber ever (facts😎🥰- owner 1 )
Fat red Italian from Nintendo: all these sad and depressing years.. you've been bullying me 😭🥺
Mario said shaking at smg4. Mario pulls back the sleeves of his red shirt revealing his killer biceps. He leans in for a punch.Mario Punchs smg4 at the face as he fell and got up angrily
Smg4: ugh, you may have killer biceps.... But i have the power of GAYNESS 😈😈😈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
Smg4 said as an other recolor of the fat Italian came out of no where called smg3 as Mario was now even more shocked
Mario: smg3?!?! 😱😱😰😰🤯🤯

To be continued(Sorry pokies if we took for ever to make chapter 2, we were to lazy to make the chapter 😞😞 we promise we won't take that much again, hope you guys enjoy the chapter, Fanart was made by owner 2 🥰🥰- note from owner 1)

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To be continued
(Sorry pokies if we took for ever to make chapter 2, we were to lazy to make the chapter 😞😞 we promise we won't take that much again, hope you guys enjoy the chapter, Fanart was made by owner 2 🥰🥰- note from owner 1)

(I like ur mom - note from owner 2🥰🥰🥰🥰😍)

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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