To let her go.

"This is goodbye, my Wise Girl. My first love."

He thought he saw a shimmering mirage in the distance. He could almost hear faint whispers, soothing voices in his ear.

There was an outline of her, from the sun's rays.

It was as if she were answering him.

His lips curled into a content smile.

"Annabeth Chase, my Wise Girl..."

"I'll never forget you."


Warning: This scene is mature. Proceed at your own risk. You have been warned.

Perseus Apollyon was set to leave for Mistral in two days.

Colonel Alvida of the Atlesian Seventh Unit knew this, and she was about to report it directly to her superior. Lord Ørsted, the Lower Apostle Three.

Normally she wouldn't have done the dirty work, being a Deacon of her Goddess, but the opportunity to trail Apollyon had been too exciting to leave behind.

Timing was paramount, and of the essence. Once Apollyon was gone, Atlas would vulnerable. It would be by no means weak, but far, far more vulnerable without his presence.

Gaul, with its abundant amount of dust, and well-trained warriors, as well as the number of Grimm that they could call in, from both underneath the grounds of Solitas and the southern sea.

The Goddess had saved her life. Her faith had been restored in the world.

Which was why she was equally convinced to destroy it. And, in its place, rebuild a new one. Fairer, more just, for her deceased family. For all the discriminated Mantlese people.

And so, Atlas had to fall.

With a deep breath, she stepped back from the railing that she had been leaning onto. And she began the contact ritual.

An intricate pattern of pitch-black glyphs began appearing beneath her feet, spreading across the balcony. They began spinning, at first slowly, then faster and faster. She had to inform Ørsted, but with a full video call, which was why this ritual was so big. It shouldn't be a problem, she thought. No one was up at this time.

"Hello there."

Her heart stopped.

She whirled around in a panic. There was someone there!?


The spell stopped, as she became distracted by something.

Perseus Apollyon stood before her, a piercing, powerful gaze on her. She hadn't even heard him approaching.

He wasn't supposed to be here. That wasn't the plan.

Outwardly, He looked as calm as the sea, but He gave off the impression that it could change at any moment. In truth, as she looked at His eyes, she shivered.

Her heart was pounding rapidly in its chest.

Apollyon stared at her with piercing sea green eyes. They felt like they were staring into her very soul and stripping it so that it was laid bare before Him for His judgement.

They were as powerful as and as deep as the ocean, promising death and pain should anyone ever cross Him. As she looked deeper into His eyes, a single lightning bolt struck the endless ocean.

Thunder crashed, and she flinched back.

She swallowed her saliva, trying to regain her nerves before Him. Before Apollyon.

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