"He is lucky I don't ram him into the fucking ground right now."

I rolled my eyes. Always the dramatic one.

"Yeah whatever. Can you get the hell out so I can change and go meet my new nephew please?"

He slid his hands into his pockets as he slightly looked down at the ground.


And that was the last word I heard come out of his mouth before he walked out as he shut the door behind him.

I rubbed my hands over my face as I groaned into my palms.

"God fucking damn it." I said as I scolded myself.

I mean. It's not like I could have done anything. Right? 

He is the one that kissed me. Not the other way around. And as far as I was concerned the news about me and him were dating would fade. And that whatever this was would sink along with it.

Once I finally re-gathered myself, I walked to my closet as I slipped on a nice pair of leggings and a sweater.

I did not feel like going anywhere. In fact, I didn't even want to go downstairs because I don't want to see him.

I don't want to see his brown hooded eyes and his sharp jaw lines that looked like glass.

I didn't want to accidently look down at his light pink lips and be reminded about how they tasted so sweet and just how good they felt caressed against mine.

Once I got done. I exited my room and started to walk downstairs.

Soon, my feet hit the floor as I could hear chattering coming from the living room.

Step after step and I soon found myself standing right in the entry way.

And as I looked straight ahead. I saw the man that kissed me so deeply on the red carpet.

My eyes couldn't help but find the baby that he was holding in his arms.

Beverly and Anthony sat cuddled up on the couch, with his arm wrapped around her.

No one saw me yet so I took this time to look at Nik.

The way his arm was draped around the baby, holding my nephew so tight only made my mind go somewhere it shouldn't.

Him. A father. I could only imagine.

He is a bastard. And hell. I am not even SURE if he would be a good parent figure to let alone anyone

But I couldn't help but sween for him as his eyes looked at that baby with not rage and determination. But rather softness and joy.

A corner of my mouth lifted as my cheeks began to blush.

The baby was sleeping soft and soundly.

"I never knew you were one to hold a baby." I finally spoke up.

Everyone's eyes looked at me. But for some reason mine were only fixed on his.

He smirked ever so slightly.

"Well. He was dying for me to hold him. So I said why not."

I rolled my eyes as I walked towards him, as I occupied the seat next to him.

Nikolai looked me up and down as he didn't say a word.

I looked down at the little one.

He was only a newborn so it was really hard to tell who he looked like.

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