Chapter 19

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One: Rise of the Beasts trailer let's fucking GOOOO!

Two: Watched the vigilante arc and can this show stop making me cry for FIVE MINUTES!?

Three: Get blinded idiots


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Aizawa was a man of focus, commitment and sheer will, something that most knew very little about, but as he approached the door that led into his boss's room he started questioning if he should just turn back now and make a run for it.

Stealing his nerves he knocked on the door with his foot due to his entire upper body being wrapped up in bandages, he received no answer but made the decision to enter anyway.

"What do you mean you lost an entire state?" Was the first thing he heard from Nezu, the school's principal currently looking at his computer with his paws locked together, "How do you lose an entire state overnight?"

"It means exactly that Nezu, one minute Florida was there and the next minute it was gone!" The American president groaned on the other side of the device, "We think it had something to do with the recent talks they had with Ohio but we are unsure at this time."

Nezu sighed while picking up his tea cup, "May I ask why you decided to ask me for help, Mr President?"

"Let's be honest here Nezu, if anyone can reverse this it's you," The principal thought for a moment, mulling over his options when the President reluctantly continued, "If you do this for me I'll owe you a favor."

"Are you sure that's wise sir," A male voice quietly gasped from the other side, horror clear as day in their voice, "I mean it's just Florida."

"For the sake of things, yes," The American sighed while looking at the rodent's massive grin, "Do we have a deal, Nezu?"

"Most certainly we do, I'll have it back in a moment," Nezu said with a smile that sent shivers down everyone's spines as he moved the mouse to the end call button, "Until we speak again President Walt Disney Pepsi Comcast."

After ending the call was when Nezu acknowledged Aizawa's mummified presence which brought a frown to the principal's usually grinning face when his eyes looked at the bandages, "Aizawa, how are you feeling?"

"I'm doing fine sir, just came to inform you that Nemuri has told my bunch of brats that Hound Dog's office is open for them if need," The mummified Aizawa said as he sat down on the couch in the office, "Though she has told me that her son and his girlfriend have been seeing a separate therapist, someone named Jonathan Crane."

"I see, thank you for informing me Aizawa," The Chimera said with his smile gradually returning, "How are you holding up? I understand your partner was quite distressed."

"Hizashi damn near flooding the hospital with his tears, the doctors said that they haven't had a flood like that since some green haired woman worked their," Eraserhead sighed, though Nezu couldn't see it he could tell there was a fond smile on the hero's face, "I love him with all my heart but he needs to learn to control himself in public, especially when out of costume."

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