Chapter 1

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It had been a really, really, long Thursday for Izuku who was currently slumped against the wall, he was bleeding from the lip, a bruised cheek and his head felt buzzy. And right in front of him was the culprit of his beating.

"That's what you get you fucking villain!" Katsuki all but screeched, a scowl that seemed to be permanently etched onto his face, "Stay away from U.A, ya hear me Deku!"

Yeah, today was a real chipper day, he just got his daily beatings from his former friend, he did wonder where Bakugo's lackeys were, 'All this and for what? Having a 'Villains Quirk' and wanting to attend U.A University next year, really? This is utterly bul-'

"PAPA!, are you ok?" He was pulled out of his thoughts by a scream of a little girl with snow-white hair, big red eyes and a little horn on her head. He looked over to her and smiled weakly.

'Right, Eri must have heard the whole thing, those bastards he called minions must have dragged her away out of sight but probably close enough to hear,' He thought as he slowly stood up, "Ye-Yeah, I'm fine Eri. Gagh!, let's go home, shall we?" She nodded, though her eyes were still filled with worry.

'My beautiful daughter, Eri. She came into my life about three years ago now, hehe I still remember the day you called me papa for the first time,' Izuku thought,

'bastards, if I find out they hurt Eri I'll kill them where they stand,' Izuku growled in his head, before pausing ant thinking on what he said, 'Okay, maybe that's going too far, but I would make them live their worst Nightmares and the point still stands if they try with my snowball.'

As they were walking out of the building and down the streets to get home, Izuku glanced down to his daughter, who was holding onto his hand like he would disappear, 'she's still worried about the beating she heard me get, isn't she?' With a sigh they continued walking.

He hated seeing her like this, but maybe they could bake something together, that always put a smile on her face. That or he could make candy apples and watch her impatiently bounce around for her treat.

Eventually they walked under an underpass and heard some dripping oozing noise that came from behind them, then out of nowhere a sludge-like monster came at them, "A small and medium sized skin suit, not ideal but it will have to do," Panic took over Izuku as he pushed Eri out of the way so she wouldn't get caught and hurt by the villain in front of them.

The next thing he knew was he was being suffocated by the sludge monster and Eri screamed for help and to let him go, but with little success, suddenly a powerful gust of wind hit and destroyed the sludge villain.

His eyes were blurry, he saw a vague shape of a tall, muscular, man that stood at the entrance of the underpass but the shape was slowly fading. Izuku's only thought before blacking out was that Eri would be safe and whoever that was would keep her safe.


All Might was currently running around in the sewers trying to find the sludge villain, that was until he heard a little girl screaming, "LET GO OF PAPA!" When All Might heard that, he ran like a bat out of hell to help them, he did not want a family to be torn by that villain.

Once he arrived, he saw what looked like a young man trapped in the villain, so using a 'Detroit Smash' on the villain, the gust of wind caused it to disperse, revealing the young man that was held inside.

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