Chapter 8

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Izuku stood in front of the moc city gates and was currently having a mental panic attack.

'Ow God, my Quirk is not combative! It doesn't work on robots! And even then I can only sweat the actual toxin! I'd need something to actually inject it into people!' This was currently Izuku’s state of mind as he paced back and forth while going over his options in his head.

He remembered something that his new mother Hirooki took the time to teach him, 'When panicking, do some breathing exercises and eat some bubblegum as it will take your mind off of what's happening.'

Doing as he was instructed he took a deep breath in and out a few times before sticking a piece of mint bubblegum into his mouth, as he chewed he felt himself calm down more and more before realizing that there was another examinee who was having similar troubles.

She had chestnut brown hair in the shape of a bob cut and two permanent blush marks. She looked like she was going to be sick from nervousness so Izuku decided to try and help.

He was about to make his way when he felt a large hand and firm hand on his shoulder, he turned around and saw the same blue haired boy who made his daughter cry, "That girl is trying to concentrate, are you trying to distract her and running her chances at U.A.!"

'I'm gonna punch you in the gut for making Eri cry in a minute,' Izuku thought to himself as he wondered if the taller boy had forgotten what happened in the auditorium a couple minutes ago.

Izuku was going to respond to him but some guy beat him to, "Hey man, back off. You already made that kid that was with him cry and now you're trying to embarrass him or intimate him? Are you sure you're supposed to be applying for the hero course?"

"I was simply-" He cut himself off when he noticed everyone giving him a cold look, to Izuku they almost looked like demon's.

Another examinee scoffed as she looked at the taller boy with an unamused face before saying, "Just leave him alone, if anyone's distracting anyone here it's you."

"Yea! Stop trying to embarrass the guy!" Another called out.

And so the teen walked away after finally getting the message that he was not wanted, Izuku looked at the examinee with a relieved smile, "Thank you for the save there."

"No problem my guy!" He said before walking away to prepare for the exam.

Izuku was about to walk to the girl before the gates opened, nobody moved as they waited for someone to announce that they could start. They stood there for a moment before Present Mic's voice came booming through the speakers, "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!? THERE'S NO COUNT DOWN IN REAL LIFE! GO! GO! GO!"

And with that Izuku jumped from the frying pan and into the fryer as he bolted into the moc city with the other examinees, he split off from a few of them and found a one pointer, "Hero located! Exterminate!"

He felt a chill run down his spine at hearing the robots words but regarded himself, he dogged an attack the mechanism threw as he tried looking for a way to stop it. Only when he got behind the machine did he see a lever 'On' on the top and 'Off' at the bottom, 'That must be it!'

Izuku rushed forward and yanked the lever down with all his might, causing the robot to halt in what it was doing and shut down. Izuku frew his hands up in victory and yells from the top of his voice, "I GOT A POINT!"

Now all that was left was to find more.


In a dark observation room somewhere sat the faculty of U.A. all watching this year's contestants through monitors, they saw a boy who shot a laser out form a belt that he wore around his stomach, a girl who can enlarge her hands crush a three pointers head, two boys who could harden their skin and a grill who ensnared five robots with her vine like hair.

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