Chapter 6

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Think fast chuckle nuts!


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The date couldn't have gone better in Kyouka's humble opinion, she enjoyed it but there was one, tiny little problem that they faced when they concluded their night and were walking back to her house for Izuku to drop her off and pick up his daughter.

It decided to rain.

Now Kyouka would love the rain, not so much thunder due to her sensitive hearing, as it would be a calming sound for her, but right now, she despises it for ruining their date. She was soaked to the bone, cold, and her makeup was now running and washing off her face.

Izuku wasn't faring any better as his drenched suit weighed heavily on him, though Kyouka would never complain about his dress shirt getting wet to see his toned core and muscles.

They kept running through the street until they found a hotel and quietly darted inside, after taking a moment to catch their breaths Izuku pulled out his phone to check how long the horrid weather was going to last.

"Looks like it won't stop until morning," Izuku sighed as he put his phone away, "We might as well book ourselves in."

Getting a nod of confirmation from his lover, they made their way to the receptionist, "Hi, how may I be of service tonight?" The receptionist said kindly.

"Me and my boyfriend would like to book any available room for tonight, just to wait out the weather."

"Of course Miss, let me check if there are any rooms available," After a minute of typing on the computer the receptionist turned back to the couple, "There is a room available on floor eight, it's a single bed but I don't think that might be a problem."

With blushes on their faces, Izuku and Kyouka were given their room key after paying and headed to the room that they would be sleeping in that night, the room itself was quite nice as the hotel was one for people on vacation so it had a living room, kitchen, and a balcony overlooking some of Musutafu.

As Kyouka went off to have a nice warm shower Izuku decided it was the best time to give Kyouka's parents a call and explain the situation, he took out his phone and after a moment of ringing the call connected to a very worried Kyotoku, "Izuku! Kyouka! Are you two okay!? The weather picked up and-AKG!"

"Stop screaming, Hunny; otherwise you're going to upset your granddaughter," A slightly annoyed Mika came through the phone.

"Sorry, dear..."

"Now Izuku," Mika's voice came through clear, Izuku guessed that she had now taken the phone, "Where are you two right now?"

"Me and Kyouka are currently held up at a hotel and are planning to wait out the storm until morning," Izuku explained, "I hope it's not too much trouble for Eri to stay the night."

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