Chapter 4

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A week has passed since Nemuri offered to teach Izuku at his home instead of him going to that reached school, she still feared the jovial gleam in Nezu’s eyes when they were told that Detective Tsukauchi was more than glad to assist in the information of Aldera.

She had her suspicions on why he didn't need much convincing when asked who there the targets of the potential Quirk discrimination but let it slide for now.

She was glad that she was able to come to Izuku’s café almost daily, Nemuri will never get tired of what they make at this little café, she was also greatly surprised when she learned that both Izuku and Eri where quick learners and where never afraid to ask if they were confused on something.

But one day she was asked a question that she should have seen coming, she was taking a break in the dining room from the morning teaching the duo when Izuku walked towards the table she was sitting at and looked at her, "Why are you doing this?"

"What do you mean Midoriya?" Nemuri asked, confused with the sudden question.

"Why go out of your way to teach us when I could have taken an online class, why take time out of your day to help me when you barely know me?" He continued as he sat down opposite her.

Now Nemuri understood the question, she closed her eyes and sighed as he put down her coffee on the table, "I may not know you specifically, but I did know your mother and your father."

This shocked Izuku that her Nemuri Kayama, aka Pro Hero Midnight, knew his mother and father, "We were friends during our time in High school," Nemuri continued to explain, "She introduced me to her other friends, I think their names were Mitsuki, Masaru and if I am remembering correctly, and Hisashi. If I'm honest with you I never had a good feeling about Hisashi but Inko was happy so I left it."

With a sigh she looked down, not wanting to face the boy in front of her, "I lost contact with Inko after graduating from U.A., but when I got wind of a villain attacking Musutafu I had this gut sinking feeling that something was wrong. When it was all said and done we were tasked to help collect the corpses, that's when I found Inko."

She looked up to look at her deceased friend's son as her eyes stung with tears that threatened to spill, she couldn’t exactly see his eyes due to his hair covering them but the tear marks on his face were a good indication of his emotions.

After some minutes of silence Izuku’s voice broke the silence, though barely due to how quiet and soft it was, "Wh… Why didn't I know this…? Why… Why did mom not say anything…" It was heart wrenching for Nemuri but it was the final statement that twisted the knife in her heart, "…Why didn't you look for me…?"

She couldn’t take it anymore and got up to sit next to the boy and wrap him in a hug, letting his tears soak into her shirt, "I did try to find you when I found out that Inko had a son but your father didn't exactly make it easy for me to do so. 'Why would I care where a villain is' I believe is what he said."

She let a finger rest under his chin and tilted it up to look at her, "I failed your mother when I couldn't protect her when that villain attacked. Me and the other heros failed to stop that villain when he escaped. I failed to find you in time and let you live a normal teenage life. Why am I doing this? Because I failed you and Inko so many times that I am not letting this slip through my fingers again."

Izuku let his head rest in the crook of Nemuri's neck and enjoyed the warm and comforting embrace the woman was giving him. The last time he remembered a hug like this was with his mother all those years ago.

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