Chapter 3

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"Ugh, thank goodness school's over…" Kyoka groaned, Izuku chuckled in amusement, school had just got out for both of them and he, Kyoka and Eri were walking towards the mall so that they could celebrate their second year of working together.

None were more excited to get to the mall than Eri but that was due to the high she was still on from meeting some of her idols when they visited U.A. yesterday.

"So where are we doing to celebrate?" Izuku asked.

Kyoka looked at both Izuku with Eri on his shoulders with a smirk causing Izuku to deadpan her, "You still aren't gonna tell us, are you?" Izuku groaned.

"Nope," Kyoka replied as her smirk turned into a teasing grin.

"Curse you!"

"Why must you hurt us this way Miss Kyoka!?" The purplette laughed evilly at the farther and daughter duo's dismay.

After getting her laughter under control she looked at the two with a warm smile, "In all seriousness I want it to be a surprise for all of us. Besides you two are gonna love what I have planned for you."

That got the two's interest and Eri leaned down to her father's ear and they started mumbling what she might have planned for them and if their surprise would be on par with what she planned.


"Where are we going anyway?" Izuku asked as he was being pulled along, Eri had dismounted from his shoulders when they arrived and was currently also being dragged along by Kyoka.

"You'll see soon enough. It's on the second level so c'mon!" Kyoka replied, continuing to tug on his arm.

"You must be pretty excited about it if you're pulling Papa this much Miss Kyoka."

"It's not me that's gonna be excited about it," Kyoka said, affixing Eri with a clever smile. Her plan was going just as planned. She called ahead to reserve a hero collectible that was released just recently before it went out of stock. Her crush and his daughter were disappointed when it went out of stock when it first released, so she knew they'd be overjoyed when she got it for them.

'And when we go and get lunch, I can finally admit my feelings for him and we can finally go out!' Kyoka thought, her smile turning clever for a moment before returning to her excited one.

"Come on Kyoka where are we- Huh?!"

Izuku, Eri and Kyoka switched places as he and Eri rushed ahead of her and started pulling her along to the nearby hero store. Kyoka laughed at the sudden change in their demeanor, letting them pull her into the store they were heading towards.

It was a hero store that they frequented many times before. It was wall to wall with hero merchandise ranging from the most popular hero around, All Might, to the more obscure heroes like the International Rescue hero team The Thunderbirds, who just debuted that year and was making a steady rise through the ranks.

As was tradition by now, Izuku and Eri had released Kyoka's hands to dart around the shop searching for anything new they could possibly buy. It always amused her at how much of a hero nerd they were, 'like father like daughter I guess,' Kyoka thought.

Eventually they returned to her side with a disappointed sigh, "Darn, no new collectibles…" Izuku muttered, Eri just as downcast as her father.

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