Work For GOD's Glory

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Work For GOD's Glory

If you want a reward from God, learn to work for the Glory of God.

God only rewards those who work for His glory. Those who won't receive much of a reward are those who didn't work for His glory. God is our leader, and He only pays those who work for Him. We won't receive a recompense if we work for our glory.

Our heart should be to work for God's kingdom. When we work for others, we do so to work for God, and that's where we receive our heavenly rewards

When we serve God, it means we are doing things with the vision that He has. Whether it be a company or business, whatever you're working under someone else's vision over that product or service. This means that you don't work there for your agenda but for the benefit of the reason why that service is there.

It's the same with God. You don't serve God for the benefit of your own life or just to be there. We serve God so that souls can be saved and people know He is real.

Often, we serve God like there isn't already a vision regarding the work and benefits He has given. There is a vision, and to know that vision, we need to read the word of God.

To serve God means that you have the understanding that you need to obey and follow His vision to serve Him currently. Just like in a company or business, to serve that company, you need to follow their guidance, rules, and regulations to help them achieve their goal.

To see means that you represent Him. When you work for a place, whatever you do can either amplify a good reputation or tarnish or create a bad one. God's reputation and character are on the line. If you live in an inappropriate way, people will assume God is fine with it. I'm not talking about making mistakes. We all make them. We all stumble and fall. What I'm talking about is when you live in sin. Sin is your lifestyle. It's when it shows that you're more of the world than of God.

When you disregard the word of God and refuse to walk in His ways. That is why when we serve God, we must be careful of the way we speak, behave, walk, and hang out because our actions directly connect to God. If you claim you're a Christian yet refuse to walk like Christ and don't make an effort to walk like Him, just know that's not the way God wants you to serve Him.

A child of God chooses to walk like one.

We are called to be ambassadors of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20) and lights (Matthew 5:14-16). Light is the same description Jesus gave Himself (John 8:12). We are to reflect Christ on this earth because though He is no longer here in human form, He at the same time is still here through us.

Serving God represents the character and heart of Christ to fulfill the mission of Christ. We are to go out and make disciples so that by following us, they automatically are following Christ.


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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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