The Power Of The Word Of God

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The power of the word of God

1) Gives Direction

Psalm 119:105
105 Your word is a lamp to my feet
    and a light to my path.

The word gives us direction because it's God's guide for our lives. We can't properly live in God's will if we don't read and know His word. How we learn to discern God's will and His voice by knowing and reading the word of God. If you don't read the word of God, you'll find it very difficult to discern God's voice.

God won't ever contradict His word. His word is His heart, mind, and will for our lives. He won't say something that misleads you from what He has already said.

When for example you feel the anxiety to do something, you could have trouble understanding whether it's from God trying to direct you or something else. Someone who knows the word can discern it's not the Holy Spirit because they know God's a God of peace and not confusion, that God doesn't give spirit fear but of a sound mind.

If you feel this voice telling you that you're making mistakes and God is tired of you if you know God's word you can immediately know it's not God's speaking to you but the enemy.

If you have a voice causing you to sin. Whether it's giving you sinful thoughts like lust or pride you'll know for certain it's not God. If you hear a voice telling you to forgive someone, a tug in your heart to spread the Gospel, or invite someone to church it's most likely God because God tells us to forgive and spread the Gospel already in His word.

You'll be able to tell which thoughts are from what source. You'll be able to discern if something is God speaking, yourself, or the enemy. When you have the word as your foundation of discernment and know God's voice, you won't be in much confusion and whenever you're stuck, God's word will direct you to what God would say or wouldn't say.

So many people desire to grow in intimacy with God to know His voice but to know His voice isn't just passively praying but also practically getting the word and daily reading the word. If daily you're reading the word, daily you're consuming God's word (voice), and very soon that will be the voice echoing in your mind.

Scripture will be in your mind and with that scripture, we are told by the word that the Holy Spirit's ministry is to bring God's word to our remembrance (John 14:26). He will lead us in all truth (John 16:13) but first, we need to know what is the truth by reading, meditating, studying it, and taking time every day to be nourished by the word of God.

Knowing God's voice isn't an overnight thing but a daily communion, a daily prayer, a daily reading of the word, and daily times of silence to be still in His presence. It's also having the expectation He will speak to you because God always speaks, through one way or another.

2) Reveals Who God Is

You will know who God is the more you read the word of God. Many people hear about God but don't truly know Him from their personal relationships. They don't know God from His word.

How would you know that God works all things together for good of those who love Him if you don't take time to read Romans 8:28. How would you know how Holy your God is if you don't read through Exodus, Leviticus, and throughout the Bible? How will you know God is faithful if you haven't read from genesis to revelation where His faithfulness is revealed throughout the lives of people? How He took care of David despite David being chased and hunted down by Saul, how He looked after His prophet Elijah and gave nourished Him (1 Kings 17:2-6). How God comforted those who mourned, how God transformed and performed miracles.

How would you know your God could heal if you don't read the word of God and read how by the power of Jesus we can be delivered from sickness and be healed completely?

2) The word of God is a sword (Hebrews 4:12)

the word of God will tell you how you have authority over all the powers of the enemy and how NOTHING shall harm you (Luke 10:19). You have confidence now that whatever is attacking you isn't stronger than the one in you and so you'll keep fighting. The word of God is a sword that is guaranteed to slay every enemy that comes against you. The word of God is the authority to principalities powers, rulers of darkness, demons, etc all have to submit to and have to obey. It's our command, our authority. We can use the word of God to rebuke, reject, cancel and fight against the enemy. If the kingdom of darkness has plans to stop us we can declare that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. We can speak authority and they'll have to surrender.

3) The word of God heal

Psalm 107:20
20 He sent out his word and healed them,
    and delivered them from their destruction.

4) The word gives us faith we need

Romans 10:17
17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

the gospel is what we heard, we need faith to please God and believe He exists.

The word of God increases our faith because it's something we can trust and hold unto. It's like walking on a boat, the word of God is the anchor that keeps you steady in storms. When you're going through seasons of sickness. You won't be sitting in hopelessness but you go on your knees and you choose to place your trust in the best healer there is. When you're brokenhearted or in a season of pain, you won't complain but you have the word of God that you can trust to give you peace, hope, comfort, and guidance. When you're lost and don't know what to do, the word of God will direct you to what is the will of the Father.

5) The word is our food

We need it to grow spiritually and mature in our faith.

The word of God is what grows us spiritually. We are told to desire the word of God (1 Peter 2:2). When we hear the word of God, we grow every day. We are being changed, renewed, equipped, and developing into WHO God has called us to be. The more you feed yourself God's word, the more your Spirit is developing, becoming stronger and your flesh is growing weaker and weaker. The word of God encourages and edifies you as well. It births that desire to want to grow, to understand.

6) The Word of God sanctifies

John 17:17
17 Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth

The word of God purifies us. The more we read the word the more we are being renewed and changed. When we read and meditate on the word with a true desire to know God's word, we'll begin to change. You'll begin to feel convicted and challenged. You'll be able to discern how God wants us to live life, what's wrong and what's right and what you should cut off and what you shouldn't

7) Makes things come to pass

The word of God is God's word. It's what He says and whatever God speaks comes into fulfillment and existence.

In Genesis and God said let there be light and there was light (Genesis 1:3).

God's word can never fail but comes into fulfillment

Isaiah 55:11
11 so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;
    it shall not return to me empty,
but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,
    and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.

It's secure and trustworthy. It's something we can place hope in because unlike anything else, it can never fail.


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