God's Word In Your Heart

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Psalm 119:11
11 Your word I have hidden in my heart,

That I might not sin against You.

We need to keep God's word in our hearts. When you think of something being on your heart it speaks of something you hold dear, precious, something you can't forget or let go of. 

We often forget what was just on our mind but it's hard to forget what is in your heart. Your heart is a place where you store things that matter to you.

If God's word is in your heart it will match what God's will and way is. God's word won't just be anything but it will be your heartbeat, song, and life. When you read how your body is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, it is in you.

It's in you so much that you value your body, you see it as valuable and won't trade it for anything. You value what God's will and desire are for your life. If it's in your heart then what God says, does, and thinks all matters to you.

You'll treasure every word and revelation you have about the God you serve.

I want you to ask God to give you a heart that cherishes His word. A heart that reverences His word and delights in God's will.


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