It's God Or Nothing'

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It's God Or Nothing

We should always be walking at the end of the day to let go of our desires for God

Before you read the rest of this please read Geneisis 22.

In this context, God promised Abraham his greatest desire at the time.

A son.

We all desire something. Some it toward our family and others towards ourselves. We all have that thing that we wish to receive, have the most, or experience. Whatever it is, we all want to succeed and to have good things in life.

Abraham got that. He got the son he wanted.  The heir to his inheritance. He saw the promise fulfilled, but God wanted to give Abahram a test.

The test of where Abraham's heart lies.

The Bible says:

Matthew 6:21
21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

God cares about our hearts. He never wants the gifts he graciously hands to us to be where our hearts are. Before the gift all Abraham had was God, but once he got his son, it posed as a potential threat to take God's place.

God wanted to make sure that Abraham delights not only in his son but in God. (To love God is merely words or statements. It's an extension and lifestyle through actions.

God sees our love through our obedience and submission to Him. Our obedience is the way we express love to God.

When we disobey God, we draw further from him. When we read the story of Adam and Eve, we see that God gave them a command and in disobedience

By choosing the fruit, they choose their way vs God's way. It was the fruit of God and they failed to pick Him.

When Abraham decided to climb that mountain and offer the painful sacrifice he showed us the pattern in which we should live.

It's either God or nothing.

We shouldn't value material things, blessings, and people who believe in God. Yes, we give them. Yes, every good and perfect gift is from above (James 1:17), and if they are without repentance (Romans 11:29), but never will, they are more valuable and precious than God.

We need to remember the connection to anything or rather God than nothing.

Are  wants and desires more valuable to us than God?

Today, I want you to decide to follow God over anything. It's either God or nothing.

Because there is nothing without God.


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