Pray At Night

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Pray at night.

Prayer is not just for the day. As I learned more about Jesus and how He walked, I realized Jesus often prayed at night. At night there a barely any distractions, there is no one constantly calling your name, not much noise from outside unless you live in a busy city. We give excuses many times and that's why we become stagnant in our faith. Today was busy that's why I couldn't pray. I'm doing my exams that's why I haven't read the word. I'm working that's why I can't spend much time in worship. Praying at night is such a beautiful time when I can be by myself with the Lord. 

It's a time where you can worship, ask God questions, seek His face, intercede for others and ask God for revelation and direction. It's a time when you have very few distractions and can be free to be with God without the day's anxieties and affairs.

Praying at night might feel like a chore for many of us but in our generation what time do we sleep on average? A lot of us can agree that when we are having fun, watching our favourite series or simply chatting with friends we can forget the time and realise only later it's way past midnight. Some of us might just avoid altogether the idea of praying at night because it feels like work, we value sleep and comfort right?

But I want you to seek God also at night. If you find you get distracted, are busy or neglect something, you can spend time with God at night. It's not so important how long but even 30-1hour just to worship God, read the word, ask God questions, speak, and pour out your heart is something else. Where the world is silent, where phones are off, no TVs are on, no one calling for you, not much movement, it's just you and God and in that position of intimacy.

A man of God put it this way, he explained how Jesus would pray often at night and during the day he would be serving. He said how Jesus would often sleep during the day and we would read how he prays at night.  The night was his time of intimacy with God. Jesus prayed both night and day, he served often during the day but would seek God's face at night. Jesus would go off to a solitary where he would be alone with God. He committed to not being distracted but seeking God.

So challenge you to seek God even at night. It can feel tempting because you'll feel tired but the advice I received from a woman of God is to first walk around, drink some water and go to another room. If you can't first walk around, I would recommend playing some praise music and beginning to praise God. This can awaken you a bit so you're not so tired. Try going to sleep earlier too so you're not too sleep deprived.


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