3 Keys For Overcoming Temptation

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3 Keys For Overcoming Temptation

Matthew 26:41
41 Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

The strength of the Spirit is found in feeding the spirit

What discourages the growth of your spirit

1) Bad Environment

The parable of the sower speaks about the seed sown on rocky ground. If you're surrounded by things that enrage and promote a life outside God's word you'll be tempted to backslide. Being friends with or entertaining things, people, music, or videos that push you close to the world then God won't help but rather it will push you further from God

Be surrounded by friends, music, and videos etc that encourage people you to remain with God and to remain committed to Him.

2) Lack Of Consistency

Reading the word then stopping or praying then stopping can cause you to be spiritually weak because you're malnourished. Prayer, worshiping, reading the word etc are all spiritual disciplines. It's like building muscle. The more you do them consistently the more you'll grow spiritually strong because it will be difficult to break it in you. Basically it becomes more than a habit, it becomes a lifestyle.

It will be difficult to be consistent but once you are it will be difficult to break that consistency. Whatever we do consistently whether good or bad, it will start to tie in you. Our brains are always making habits and routines... Make sure its making good ones.

Think about it. Something that will default to stop will be a habit that you've done for a long time. Let's say you have a nervous habit of biting your nails. You can get so used to doing it that it can feel impossible for you to stop because it has become a part of your routine and lifestyle. This is how prayer and reading the word should be, it should be so part of your routine that it will be difficult for you to just stop doing it.

If you aren't in that level yet work to get there!

3) Lack Of Desire

You must genuinely desire to grow. No one should push you to pray, seek God or read the word where you're dependent on them. You must make a conscious design to grow deeper in God. You must have that seriousness in seeking God, in remaining walking with Him and not falling into temptation.

Lastly, I would advise you to abstain and cut off what is causing you to stumble. If social media is keeps bringing you to sin then but limit your time on social media. If certain friends are causing you to struggle then choose to cut off those infleuncs so that you can fully focus on serving and knowing God.

A verse I want you to mediate:

Mark 8:36-37
36 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? 37 Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

4) Not Fasting

Fasting isn't just food. Let's sacrifing something your flesh really wants to instead focus on God. Fasting helps break the hold of your flesh on you. You'll grow in having self-control and solid discipline because you'll get used to saying no to yourself.

The biggest key is praying for the help of the Holy Spirit.


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