Fear Says "What If" And Faith Says "Even If"

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Fear Says "What If" And Faith Says "Even If"

I don't know who originally wrote this quote but it's brilliant! Sometimes fear can hold us bond with floods of what-if scenarios that aren't true or won't even happen. Fear tells us that we will have faith, that everything won't work, that God has let us down to give up but faith says that even if.

The 3 Hebrew men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, (Daniel 3) they had faith in God. They had an even if moment. Even if God allows us to burn, we will lose hope in who he has revealed himself to be. That he is our protector. We rather let our days be cut short than for us to have long days knowing we betrayed someone who would never betray us.

They had an even if kind of faith. Sometimes you need to have an even if kind of faith where yes fear Nad anxiety is there hut even if it's there you won't submit or it. The enemy wants us to submit to anything but Jesus. He wants us to submit to fear, anxiety and panic, to envy and pride, to lust and perversion but never to the way, truth and the light.

He wants us to yield to him and stay far from God but we need to have an even if kind of faith that despite how horrible things and even if God doesn't do what we desire, we still will obey and love him. That's a faith we need to strive to have.

How to have an EVEN IF kind of faith

Spend time knowing the character of God. Someone with an even if kind of faith knows who their God is. They knew God is their protector, their shield, their warrior and won't ever leave or forsake them. They knew God is faithful, holy, just and righteous. They knew that all things will work out for good. They knew God was with and is with them.

If you don't see God correctly you'll easily yield to whatever the enemy says. You'll believe every lie he throws at you about God. You'll start shaking.

You spend time in the word and in prayer. They had a personal relationship with him. We know the church, we know religion but do we know God? We can't have a strong faith if our whole relationship with God is just Sundays. Our relationship with God is a daily walk that we invest in.

They had a faith. Faith comes from hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17). We grow our faith by feeding our spirits truth which is the word of God.

All these points tie down to spending time in the word. We can't expect to grow our faith if we neglect our daily quiet time. It's very important to have our priorities in God and place time with God at 1. When we continue to seek God and His will, we will grow and Flourish into women of the faith.


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