Chapter 29

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Yin groaned as she stretched on her nest. Her body aching to return to her dragon form. No room in the cave to shift. Her tail stretched out. It was daytime. The boys asleep in a smaller space. Her baby cuddled into her chest, on the bed. Her tail picked up before settling down slowly. Her back itching for stretching her wings. Her head aching to grow her horns. She hissed as she sat up. Her hips aching. David went REALLY hard on her the other night. Using ALL his strength and spent the entire night on her. Looking over she saw Laddie asleep on his small bed. Star's old bed removed. The boys wanting nothing to even remember the traitor.

Yin couldn't handle it anymore. The cave too small for her desire. She held Sunny as she walked out. She hid her tail and climbed her bike. Starting it, Sunny waking up. She whimpered but Yin hummed. Her chest heating up. Sunny settled immediately. She drove off quickly, knowing exactly where to go. To Justice's house!

*Time skip*

Justice squealed as she coddled Sunny. Sunny cooed cutely as she stared up at her. Yin chuckled as she walked outside. Her skin felt tight against her. The other two kids at a friend's house. Yin went to the back and felt her skin start to grow. Her bones popping and her muscles heating up. Her teeth growing and sharpening. Claws extending, horns growing. Wings poking from under her skin. Her skin finally turning to scales as she shifted to a large dragon. Her wings shooting out.

Once finally turned, she stretched. Like a cat as her tail swayed. Hitting a fence and causing some of it to tip over. 'Whoops.' Yin thought as she stretched her wings. Lifting her wings she flapped them and she shot into the air. Her large body flying up and up and up. Into the sky, towards the clouds. She roared as she glided. A content smile on her face. Her longe ass tongue sticking out and licking around her snout. She sighed to herself as she flew around. Her large scaly hands stretching and her fingers popping.

She roared but softer. No one even bothering to look up at the flying dragon. She'd look like a plane anyways. Blinking she flew up even higher. The cold temperature starting to hit her. Her warm body too strong against the cold. Then she tilted back. Her back popping as she bended back. Then she started diving to the ocean. She closed her eyes as she took deep breaths of the fresh hot air. Then her body crashed into the air. Water flying up. She spun as she went further into the water. Basically making a type of whirlpool.

She swam around before turning and swimming up. Her head shooting out of the water. She relaxed on the water and just floated. Her tail swishing from left to right. Propelling her forward slowly. Kinda like a fish. She yawned to herself. Some of her body sore still. Her body far enough away from shore, people can't see her unless they focus directly on her. Then she leaned down and went under again before swimming up and quickly flying out. Flying above the water as her body bobbed up and down as she flew. She breathed as smoke flew out of her mouth. Then she breathed fire. Roaring to herself. Fire trailing in the sky before disappearing.

She flew down before turning very quickly. Her body splitting the air. She was right above the water so the water glided a part a bit and splashed around. She quickly flew forward and shot towards land. Flying directly towards the part of land Justice's house was on. She flew up quickly with her head held high. She flipped then landed on the ground in the back. Her claws digging into the ground as she growled. She stretched one last time as her body finally shifted back. Looking down seeing her clothes had been shredded off. Justice walked out, holding Sunny. She looked away, her face flushed red. Holding out a small pile of clothes.

She grabbed them, putting on a crop top with a rainbow on it. She also had booty shorts that really showed her thighs. Fishnets underneath, then put on ankle boots. "Thanks." Yin mumbled to Justice. Justice turned back to her and smiled. Her flushed face gone and replaced by a small smile. Sunny cooed and started whining. "She might be hungry." Justice held out Sunny and Yin quickly took her. Holding her close as she walked to a cliff. She sat at the edge and lifted her crop top. Bringing Sunny close and feeding her. Sunny made small baby sucking noises as she ate. Yin chuckled softly. She rubbed her back and rocked as she fed her. Her tail wagging against the ground. Smushing the grass.

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