Chapter 6

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Marko and Paul snickered. They couldn't help it. Dwayne just... Does what Dwayne does. He stared. Motionlessly. David looked mad and annoyed. Sitting in his wheelchair, he had adorned a new mark. A big red handprint on his left cheek. Yin always did have a strong bitch slap. She hated being cornered like that. It embarrassed her so bad. She's never had that happen to her before.

Yin was seated on the fountain as she glared hardcore at David. David just glared back. 'See if I ever show you affection again.' He thought. The boys hearing it caused them to laugh. 'That's not how you show affection David.' Marko thought. David huffed as he glanced to him.

Star was sitting silently on her bed, wrapped in a blanket. She wanted nothing to do with the boys. She glanced every now and then to Yin but other then that she hadn't moved. "Star, why don't you go out for a bit? But don't go too far. We'll be watching." David said. He didn't ask, it wasn't a question. Yin sighed as her eye twitched. "Why can't you be nice to the girl?" She asked. He glared to Yin. "I don't do nice." Yin looked smug. "I know but at least fucking try. Bleached bitch." He stood quickly and she stood as well. Yin was not afraid to fight anyone, including a vampire.

The other three quickly got up and got between them. Star quickly left, not wanting to be in the middle. David then sighed. "Let's make a deal. I'll try to be nice, you treat me with respect." She didn't make an attempt to move. "Respect goes both ways. If you want mine you must earn it." He sighed before agreeing. Paul sighed and backed away, relaxing. Marko following right after. Dwayne a bit hesitant but backed away anyways.

"So. What now?" Marko asked trying to relieve the tension in the cave. David leaned forward. "Who's hungry?" Paul smiled big extremely excited. Marko smiled as well like as if he hadn't eaten in days. Dwayne smirked but remained silent. Everyone stood up but Yin waited till she was last. Then she finally stood. David held his hand out. "Why don't we begin earning the respect?" She stared at his hand before sighing. 'Fine. I guess I could go for a little change.' She grabbed his hand and he led her out.

*Time skip*

The boys sat around at the boardwalk. All eyes wandering as they searched for food. Anything worth while. Anything... Alone. Yin sat beside them on the railing. She had one leg hanging off while the other was propped up with her hand resting on her knee. A cigarette in her mouth. She glared at everyone that passed by. She didn't care for trying to attract a meal. She was gonna find one later tonight anyhow. Didn't matter if they were attracted to her or not. Well... Until she heard sobbing. Yin decided she would follow it. It sounded like Star. She went to the beach and walked to the far end and her heart stopped. A boy laying below her bleeding out.

She dropped her cig and ran to them. Sliding to a stop. She checked over him then looked at Star. He face had blood on it and blood dripped from her hands. "I'm so sorry... I-I didn't mean to... I was just... I-I..." Yin silenced her. "It's ok. You didn't mean to. Look at me." She grabbed Star's face. Star looked right into her eyes. Specks of yellow still glistening in the hazel brown.

"Wash yourself in the water. We're going back to the cave." Yin picked up the boy. Star was still sobbing. "Star! Now!" She looked up to her and held her breath before nodding. She ran into the ocean as Yin grew out her wings. She squatted a bit before taking off into the air with a blast.

Quickly landing at the cave, she ran in. Gently putting the boy on the couch she looked around. Then she heard yelling. "Why is there a kid here?!" David... David seemed mad. "Piss off! I'm saving him! Help me!" He shook pissed off before sighing. "Fine." He grabbed the bottle. "David you can't be serious." He glared at her. "You want him to die? His injuries are too serious. He won't make it." She looked at him before looking away nodding.

David stalked to him and slowly poured the blood in. The poor boy coughed and shook. Tears falling. David pulled away as he watched. "M... Ma... Mama..." The boy mumbled obviously in pain. Yin had slowly and softly pet his head. "It's ok. Calm down. Breathe. You'll be fine." The boy looked at her. His eyes full of tears and sorrow. He looked so heart broken. She whispered softly to him till he fell asleep. The other three boys came in. "Is that a kid?" Paul asked. Marko smacked the back of his head.

"No it's the tooth fairy." Yin rolled her eyes and sighed. "Sh!" She harshly said. "He's sleeping." They went silent. David put the bottle away. "You turned him?" Dwayne asked as he eyed David. "Didn't really have a choice." Before anything was said Yin interrupted. "Have a problem? Take it up with the boss." Obviously meaning to Max. Just mentioning it made them back away. They REALLY didn't wanna talk about him or even hear about him.

Yin relaxed against the wall before Star ran in. "Is... Is he okay?" Yin nodded. She sighed in relief. "Thank God." David snorted before Paul butt in. "Doesn't exist. If he did then we wouldn't be here, would we?" He had some sort of darkness in his eyes. "Or could be she. Or even they. Might not even have a gender." Yin said. They all looked at her. "Such a thing doesn't exist. You have to have a gender. Right?" Marko asked. Yin quickly glared at him. "Fucking excuse me?! Just because you were born a man doesn't mean you have to stay a man. You could be a woman or not have a gender or even both! Take it back!" She yelled.

He lifted his hands. "Okay okay. I take it back. I'm sorry. I'll look into it better." Everyone relaxed as Yin huffed. "So what gender are you?" Paul asked. She looked to him with a straight face. "Female." Marko spoke up. "Have you met people with other genders like you said?" She nodded. "I've been everywhere. Like I've said before. Throughout my travels I've met plenty of others like that. Men who became women and women who became men. Those who have no genders and those who have both. Then there's those who have a gender but aren't attracted to anyone and those attracted to everyone or even the same gender. It's all very beautiful you know?"

This caught David's attention. "Have you ever been with the same gender?" She nodded. "Yes I have actually. "I've been with both men and women. But I have to say women have treated their female lovers better than men do. All men I've been with have been difficult to deal with but with women they're loving and willing to help in any way. They're like the perfect lovers. Well the good ones are. Players have tried but they've failed. I only chose those who are worthy to be with me." Some started to laugh at the last part.

"How about you boys? Ever been with another man?" They shook their head except Paul. "I have. It was actually pretty nice. He was so HOT. And the sex was amazing." Yin nodded slightly. "Must've found a good one." He nodded while smiling hungrily. "Yeah his blood was so good and sweet." Marko laughed as Dwayne chuckled. Yin rolled her eyes. "So." All eyes turned to Marko. "What do we do with the kid?"

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