Chapter 8

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Yin sat on David's bike. She held onto him and hid her face into his back. She inhaled his scent. It smelt amazing to her now she became their mate. Smoke, blood, and exhaust from his back. Ignoring the smell of natural leather. "Babe we got to go talk to Max." Paul said as he hopped off his bike. Marko followed as Dwayne sighed. He didn't wanna talk to Max just as much as David but they didn't really have a choice. Max wanted to speak with them. They didn't know whether to tell him they're all together now or not.

They all got up and walked towards Max's store. Yin close behind. She still showed no weakness according to humans standards and hid her hands in her pockets. She had a cigarette in her mouth and a pissed off look upon her face. She has a natural bitch face that strikes fear into anyone. Of course the only downside is her sunglasses.

Once they walked into his store they noticed how empty it was. Seems no one is shopping right now. Max came out holding a small case. He and David stared at each other for a while. The boys shared looks. Yin looked confused before looking bored. 'Must be mind links. Do all vampires have them?' Paul looked to her and nodded. 'Mind reading...' She decided to look around but Max stopped her. "Here. Got you something." David flinched slightly. He couldn't trust what Max had. Not now, not ever.

It was the box. She looked at it wearily before taking it. What could a vampire have that could hurt her? She opened it and her eyes widened. "Eye contacts?" She asked. She looked at him as he smiled slightly. "You stand out quite a bit with sunglasses at night. Besides don't you want people to see you without them? They're a different color so they'll hide your red eyes." She looked confused as to why he'd help her. More confused on how he got these. They were hard to get. "Don't want you attracting attention to us." Ahh. That must be it. She went to the bathroom and closed the door.

After a bit she came back. Her sunglasses in hand. All boys looked at her. Her eyes wide. They hadn't affected her vision like she thought they would. "Got them specially made. Can't have you go around blind." He explained. Now instead of red eyes she had deep blue eyes. Her pupils normal circles as well. "Just so you know I'm not paying you back." He shrugged. "Not expecting you to. Just don't bring unwanted attention here and we'll be fine." She looked suspiciously at him before going to David. He held her arm and had her behind him. "For fellow vampires with mind powers you sure are still loud. I don't care what happens but don't try to attack me." He then walked away.

So he knew about them being together now... Something they hadn't wanted. They quickly left as people started filing in. Yin looked around as she can now see without the sunglasses. Everything was a tad bit brighter. "Yin?" She looked to Paul. "Ready to get a bite?" He asked. She smiled and nodded. They left to find whatever food they could.

*Time skip*

Yin was doing a competition against a jacked human man. The boys all cheered her on, already knowing who'd win. She was doing pushups. The man slowly getting tired as they pushed forty. Yin barely breaking a sweat. Finally when they got to fifty he collapsed panting and coughing. She jumped up and threw her hands up. The boys going to her and shaking her, patting her back and ruffing up her hair. The man stood up. "Your strong. Rare in a woman." She looked right to him and smirked. She can practically hear his heart speed up more.

"Thanks. Rematch sometime?" She held her hand out. He went to grab it but Paul weaved his fingers into her hand and pulled it into his chest. Kissing her hand. She gave a blank stare at him. The man looked at them jealously.

"James." He offered his name. She glanced to him with a smile. "Yin." She said. Now she'd usually not give her name out so easily but now she couldn't give a damn. She has four vampire mates by her side. Her life is epic. "Well Yin. How about you come with us? Show you a real good time. Better than these four can give." All four boys glared at the man and his group. Paul gripped her hand tight. "Maybe another time." She started walking away. He looked at her ass. "Mmm. Sweet ass." He lowly commented. She growled. Suddenly Marko turned around. She went to grab him, not wanting an incident to cause them to leave.

"Marko, don't." He kept going and punched the guy really hard. Not hard enough to kill him, because let's face it. He totally could.

He fell over and a fight started. James got up and went to grab Marko but Yin gripped his arm and flipped him. He howled in pain as he hit the ground. After a small fight the human men were on the ground. Fortunately they were away from prying eyes. "Good news boys." James, who's still awake and alive, looked up to him. His face changed and he looked terrified. "Time for some fast food." They all cheered. James looked to Yin and looked spooked. Her horns and claws showing. Her body slowly showing scales. They started consuming them. Some still alive so screams filled the air. Yin ate James's heart, watching the light leave his eyes as they became dark. Tears fell before he had died. She then drank his lungs empty making them into giant raisins.

Pulling out his intestines she ate them and slurped them like a noodle. The boys stared in awe. She licked her lips. Paul going over and kissing her. She pulled away. "Easy tiger. We still have to get cleaned up." They picked up the body's and made a bonfire, burning them. Yin then ran into the ocean with the boys following. Yin sank deep and they started freaking out because she hadn't resurfaced. She swam up qnd gripped Marko's ankle and yanked him down making him scream. She shot up out of the water and started laughing. Marko swam up and splashed her you're so mean!"

They all laughed together as they swam to the beach. They got up and basically clung to Yin as her body heated up. It dried her clothes but made them a bit wrinkly and tight. The same happened to the boys but they hadn't cared. Dwayne wasn't even wearing a damn shirt.

After everything was done they went to the bikes. Yin hadn't brought her bike and clung onto David as they drove back to other people.

*Time skip*

Yin was pushing around Marko in a play fight. She had a huge smile. She heard footsteps and looked away. Laddie came running over. "Hey little guy!" He smiled at her happy attitude and hugged her leg. "Hi Yin!" He said happily and ran to Dwayne, who pulled him up and behind him. Laddie held on tight as he started the bike. Star got behind David and held him. Everyone glancing over to a boy that was following Star. A kid ran over to the boy. "She stiffed ya man."

She snorted and went onto Paul's bike. "I'm driving." Paul gasped. "What?! No way! It's my bike!" He shoved her shoulder but climbed behind her. They all drove away. Yin chuckled about Star's little crush.

*Time skip*

Yin was play fighting like some kind of dragon pup with Paul and Marko. David watched with a smile and Dwayne was moving stuff around, still setting up a place for Laddie to sleep so he wasn't sharing a bed with Star.

Yin had pinned Paul down and had Marko lifted in the air with his neck in her hand. They struggled but eventually gave up when finding they couldn't move. Star kept Laddie distracted by reading to him in her little area.

Yin let the two go as they walked to David. They patted him. "Come on man! You gotta help us! She's unbeatable!" They shook him and he smacked their hands away. "Fine fine." He removed his coats and walked to her. She smirked to him. She had removed her contacts and he found her red eyes alluring.

Suddenly he lunged at her and they started wrestling. Both had their claws out and was scratching each other. Blood was dripping all over the ground. Star covered Laddies eyes and quickly took him out of the cave. David growled as Yin went for his throat. David slammed her head into the ground as they rolled around.

Yin rolled them around and pinned David down to the ground. Her hands keeping both his down as he stared up at her. Blood was splatted across her face. It was David's except for the cuts on her left cheek slowly healing itself. Steam once again coming off it. She licked the blood on her lips and immediately choked. She pulled away and ran out to puke. The boys laughed.

"That's cheating!" She yelled from outside. The bruises healing themselves on her body. She finally stopped and she walked back inside. She was perfectly healthy and held no injuries when she returned. She went to grab a towel but Marko ran up to her. He licked her cheek where more of David's blood was. She stuck her tongue out at him. "Warn me next time. I have to wash it off even more now." She grumbled. The boys smirked. "No. No, no, no, no! Not this time!" Paul ran over and picked her up. "Let's go boys!" They all ran outside. "Bath time!"


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