Chapter 22

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Yin laid curled around the egg. Softly trailing her finger down the fragile side. Obviously meaning no harm as she touched it. "Precious child." She petted it at the top to the bottom. "What's inside?" Laddie asked. He was sat on a couch near the nest. Dwayne was sitting with him and also staring at the two. David, Paul, and Marko were gone. Reporting to Max as what Dwayne called it. She had hoped David and the two brats wouldn't say a thing about the dragon hunter or her baby. She didn't know what he'd do to the fragile egg. This is the most fragile time of a dragon. Other than birth. It takes an infant dragon months, maybe even years to build strength to move.

It took Yin almost three years until she was able to even walk on all her four feet without tripping. But other dragons can be different. There used to be thousands of types of dragons. Air dragons that flew with great speeds and agility, water dragons that could only swim but swam faster than even the serpents that resided with them, land dragons that dug through the earth like worms and mostly stayed below, fire dragons that kept volcanoes hot and held the most grudges. Each of these hoarded gold like it was their life. Then there were the special dragons.

The dragons of light, they died first when the attacks came. The dragons of shadows and darkness survived the most. Hiding in any kind of darkness available. The golden dragons died even before the attacks came. They died to humans greed and pettiness. Their scales made of almost weightless gold. At least what legend says. She's never met one before.

In maturing ages, the air and water dragons matured fastest. The children able to fly and swim only weeks after birth. The land dragons were the laziest of the bunch. Taking years to mature. Even the adults barely move, choosing sleep and comfort over control and power. Fire dragons mature faster than the land dragons but slower than the first two. They usually reside where the fire is most times. Finding comfort in heat but not afraid to make themselves known.

Yin had not known how her child would mature. Being half vampire, not knowing how it would live anyhow. Dragon and vampire blood clash too much. She had hoped it wouldn't be in pain all the time. Yin glanced over to Laddie and purred at the thought of her family. "Dwayne! She's purring like a cat!" He shouted excitedly. Both adults chuckled at his outburst.

Her tail swayed on the nest. Relaxing. She was satisfied. Other than the not living in a high place but it's fine. Yin could adjust to almost anything. It is the way of life. For any species. Yin sat up when she heard the bikes. The three boys have returned. David looked grim. The other two remained silent. Which was weird because Paul is fucking loud and Marko is only loud if Paul is. "Boys?" She asked cautiously as she stood up. Leaving her egg. "He still wants us to turn Lucy and her family. He won't give it up. He doesn't care for you... Or the egg." Her eyes widened. So they did tell him. "You told him about the egg!?" She shouted angrily as her body started heating up. "Yin! Yin. Calm down." Dwayne ran before her. His arms raised in surrender.

She stared at him then at David and growled. "Not until I know what's going to happen now." David sighed. "He's going over to invite her tonight to a dinner. He wants us to kill Star and Laddie. He says Laddie is a vulnerability." He explained. "Over my dead body." She warned. "That would be acceptable to him." He said coldly. "Look. It's a monster eat monster world. There are no exceptions." Yin's claws grew in anger. Was her mate rejecting her NOW? After her child had just left her body?

"I will leave then." All eyes looked shocked at her, including David's. "If I am unwelcomed here then I will leave. With the children." Laddie looked worried as he held Dwayne's hand. He looked up at him in confusion. "No. I'm not say-" Yin quickly interrupted him. "I know exactly what you are saying. And I am not going to allow my child to die because of One MAN!" It went silent. "If we are not accepted. I will not stay. Avoid a fight." She stalked towards her jacket. "Yin." Paul tried. She grabbed it and put it on then walked to the egg. "No!" David separated the two. Not allowing Yin to touch it. Yin growled.

"David. Think about what you are doing." She warned. "Yin. We have no control over whether or not we separate or not. He's our sire. We cannot deny him." He explained. "I know this David. I have been around for a long time." He tried to look relaxed but he refused to move. "Then you must understand that we will also not allow you or the children to be put under any sort of danger." He tried to calm her but realized he would fail. She had her mind set.

She huffed as she glanced to her egg. Her precious egg. Her baby. Where would she go? She has no other home. She lowered her head as if in surrender. "Just. Let us talk to him. We can make it work. Figure something out. We'll ask him tomorrow, when he's hopefully in a better mood." He explained. She nodded. David sighed in relief as Yin walked to him. "Get out of my way." She growled out and shoved him. He fell on his ass as Yin once again curled around her egg protectively. Heating it up. Must have more heat.

Everyone looked at each other before separating. David went to another part of the cave as Dwayne followed to talk to him. Yin remained curled around her egg as Paul went to the fountain to play with Laddie as Marko played with his birds. 'So...' Yin thought. 'He hasn't arrived there yet.' Her face darkened. 'I'm going to give him a piece of my mind.' Her scales rolled across her skin at the thought. She sighed and closed her eyes. The only thought in her mind was her egg. Always her egg. Protect the egg. At all costs.

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