Chapter 26

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Warmth. That's all Yin felt. Her hair still soaked though. She groaned. Her eyes not wanting to open though when the thought of her egg swarmed her mind she opened them quickly. Her body shooting up but pain hit her back hard. She groaned and tried reaching back but was stopped by more pain.

Looking around she saw she was in a house of some kind. "W-what..?" She went to get up but was stopped by humming. Seeing a light coming from a doorway she walked towards it. A hand around her mid section. She peaked in and saw a woman standing at a stove. Stirring a pot. The woman was humming a song. She hummed a bit deeper as she turned her head slightly towards Yin. She had long curly brown hair and deep green eyes. Deeper than she's seen before. Her skin tanned. Dark. Almost like beautiful milk chocolate. She turned back to the stove. "Good morning. You've finally woken up." Yin looked around the kitchen. Not recognizing anything. She turned to Yin.

"You must be starving. I'm making chicken and rice at the moment." Her voice deep with a southern accent. "Where am I?" Yin asked her. Her face slightly scrunching up. "My home. Just on the edge of Santa Carla. Found you in the water before the tide came in. You... And your egg." Yin's eyes hardened. "Where is it?" She growled out before hissing in pain. Her wings tried to grow out in anger but failed. "Easy, you're still healing." She stepped forward but Yin stepped back. Snarling slightly. "Your egg is safe. Hidden and safe. You're the first dragon I've met." Yin is even more on edge.

"You have no idea how many books I had to read to even come up with anything to take care of you and the egg." The woman stepped closer just a bit more but Yin didn't dare move. "My name is Justice Valentine. And yours?" She motioned towards Yin with her hand. "Yin." Justice nodded. "And to your egg? What is their name going to be?" She asked. Yin shrugged. "It's not hatched yet so we didn't know the gender. Was gonna wait..." Justice lifted a brow. "We?" Yin felt her chest ache in thought of the boys but anger risen back up at the thought of David. "My mates. Damned bastards." Justice just nodded. "I won't push it anymore than you want it to." Yin glared at her slightly. Not trusting her whatsoever.

"You know I'm a dragon and yet you don't try to kill me." Justice nodded. "Yes well... You can easily kill me despite being injured. Besides I want ta see your dragon form. Bet it's beautiful." Justice almost looked like she was fawning over the idea. "Human?" Yin asked quietly. Not understanding her at all. "Nope. Panther." Yin hummed. "Queen of the dark?" Justice laughed pretty hard at that. "That, I'm flattered. But not really. Well yes us panthers are real good at hiding in the darkness. Especially the black ones. But we're not the best of it." Justice tried to change the conversation then. "Who are your mates? I thought most dragons gone."

Yin growled and looked to the side. "Some vampires." Justice gave her a blank face. "Really? Vampires have no honor. They care not for anything. Even mates. How'd you chose them?" She asked huffing slightly. "They grew on me. We helped each other. Eventually I fell for them. But I guess it was just a game to them. Well, at least one of them." Yin clenched her hands. Justice reached forward slowly and softly grabbed her hands. Holding them. Yin looked at her quickly. "It's okay now. It's good you've gotten the child away from them. After you've eaten and eventually heal, I can maybe take you to where you want to go." She offered. Still holding her hand.

Yin glanced down at her hand before yanking it away. "Just want to go to a mountain like the one I had been to when I was young. Before my family was murdered." Justice frowned more. "People truly do not see the beauty in dragons these days. Your beauty outshines many things." Yin scoffed slightly. "My egg. Where is it?" She asked again. Justice nodded for her to follow and walked into the basement of her home. It was large. Probably bigger than the home itself. The walls white with concrete but LED hanging off the walls and ceiling. Making it look like a fairytale. Yin's egg on a nest of blankets and pillows in the corner.

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