Chapter 7

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Laddie was seated next to Dwayne. Both were playing with puppets. Yin had convinced them to keep him. A newly turned vampire child could never survive on their own in the outside world. Laddie would've probably burned in the sun. He hadn't known about what kills him yet.

Yin was actually resting on the couch. Marko was laying on top of her just taking a nap. Her eyes closed, she was sleeping. Paul was adjusting his guitar and trying to set it up to his liking. David was reading in his wheelchair just ignoring everything. Star was watching Dwayne and Laddie intensely. She hadn't trusted the boys at all. She was slowly trusting Yin though.

Yin's eyebrow twitched when she heard soft feet padding on the floor. Kind of like running. She slowly opened one of her eyes and saw Laddie standing before her. He seemed anxious and nervous. He was clutching some kind of poster in his hand. "Hm?" She hummed. He quickly held it out. She took it without waking Marko. She looked at the poster. It was of a man with a saxophone. She felt grossed out from seeing his very sweaty and uncovered upper body.

She sighed and looked at Laddie. He held a hopeful look and seemed excited. She chuckled and dropped it then ruffled his hair. He giggled slightly. "Fine. But on one condition." She knew Marko and the others were listening. Might as well have some fun. "Help me eat Marko's birds." Marko quickly shot up. "No!" He shouted and ran to his birds protectively. She and the others laughed. David just chuckled and slapped his book shut. Now that she saw the cover she realized why he was reading it. It was a book of sex. Just sex. She rolled her eyes and sat up.

"When is it?" David asked. She looked at the poster on the ground. "Tomorrow night." He sighed. "Fine. I was feeling hungry anyways. It could be Star's first feeding. Finally become a full vampire." Star's face became sullen. She held terror and depression on it. She didn't want to lose what was left of her humanity. What hadn't been ripped away that night she drank the blood. Yin almost felt bad but just shrugged it off. She can't have feelings get in her way.

"Right now let's just relax. Except for Marko. Marko go get food." Marko glared at Yin as he released his birds. "I'm watching you. Don't touch my birds." He quickly ran out. Yin just chuckled and turned to Laddie. He seemed so happy. A big smile on his face. He seemed to have brightened at that. Yin smiled slightly. She enjoyed being around Laddie. She reminded her of her younger sibling. Always so childish and excited over the smallest things. She only got to see a hundred years before being torn from the world. Poor kid.

She shook her head to shake the thoughts away. David stared at her with a knowing look. He had just read her mind. She kept her eyes away from him. "Hunters?" He asked. She turned to him. "Hm?" She motioned for him to ask again. "Hunters got to your family?" Yin felt her heart stop and looked away. She kept quiet. That's all the confirmation they needed. "I'm sorry." David apologized for bringing it up. Knowing how traumatic that could be. She sighed and looked at him. "If you could go back would you change anything?" She asked. He looked down to his feet. Would he?

If he could go back to when he met Max would he change anything? He liked being a vampire. He loved it except he missed the sun. Missed how it warmed his pale skin and missed how he could walk amongst the living. He missed his heart beat and having limits. But he didn't miss the weaknesses. He loved being powerful and strong. He loved flying and feasting on people was amazing. He loved the rush, the euphoria it came with.

He looked to her and smiled. "Not in a million years." She looked into his eyes. "I was the reason they're dead. I was young. I didnt know better. I was flying. Training my wings to fly in bad air conditions. They followed me and attacked us. I'm the reason my parents are dead." David quickly hugged her before she could react. "No. That's where you're wrong. You didn't know. It could never be your fault." She shook slightly and gripped onto him. He rubbed her back as she gripped onto him tightly.

She felt strange. She's only been in this state a few times. Every time a sibling died she fell into this weak state. When her twin died she went on a rampage. She obliterated a nearby town she deemed at fault. She was put down in history as a terrible disaster. Hundreds of people died. She was in so much rage. But this much sadness hurt. She hated the pain it brought. He finally pulled away and gripped her face. Everyone watched and Star looked away in disgust as if she knew what would happen. "Share your pain with me." Yin stood confused. "Wha-" she was cut off as he kissed her deeply. Her eyes widened. She felt her heart beat hard, as if it would stop. A heavy blush coated her face.

Finally David pulled away with a string of saliva connecting them. She was silent. Absolutely speechless. She hadn't expected any of that. Her eyes wide with a shine in them. "Hell yeah! My turn!" She jumped out of her state and turned, still confused. Someone gripped her face and kissed her hard. It was Paul. She squeaked slightly. David chuckled at that. Not expecting such a cute sound from a tough woman. He pulled away before going in again. She let him.

She didn't know whether she liked it or not. Finally Marko ran in. "I'm back with the foo-" he stopped when he saw Paul basically making out with Yin. He pouted and huffed. Handing the food to David. "Hey! That's not fair!" Marko shouted and yanked her from Paul's grasp. Then he kissed her. It was deep and he threw his tongue into it. She blushed even worse. 'What is even happening!?' She was freaking out in her mind.

Finally she pulled away. She went to cover her mouth but Dwayne caught her hand. "Not gonna let me have a turn?" He asked deeply. Her heart was beating so fast she bet the boys could hear it. He leaned in and kissed her. It was so gentle and soft. She slowly eased into it. He pulled away and then pecked her lips. He smiled at her face. Her eyes still wide and her face red. She covered her mouth. Behind her hand, her tongue licked her lips. They tasted so divine. Probably from all the people they've eaten still lingered there.

Her wings popped out and so did her horns. The boys chuckled at her. She hadn't even said anything but she didn't need to. "We all want to be your mates. If you'll accept us." Yin's heart had to have finally stopped working now. Mates? She's never had one. Flings that never wanted to stay with her. No one ever felt right.

But there four... These four felt perfect. She felt like she belonged here. With them. She felt... Home. She hadn't felt that since... Since... Yang... She nodded quickly not wanting to speak and have a voice crack by mistake. They all cheered and went into a group hug. "This will certainly be interesting." Dwayne said as Yin chuckled slightly. She didn't care how strange it seemed. She loved it anyway. With all her heart. And she wasn't ever gonna let them go.

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