Chapter 23

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David sighed as he is walked out of the side part of the cave. He and Dwayne spoke for almost an hour before David caved in. He he. Nevermind. Sorry.

David walked to the nest hoping to have a word with Yin. Have a moment with her and maybe reconcile. He looked at the nest only seeing the egg wrapped heavily in blankets. No Yin. Paul was laying on the nest next to the egg smoking weed. David quickly snatched it from him, not knowing if it could have an effect on the egg. "Hey!" Paul challenged. "Don't do that around the egg." David growled out glaring. Paul huffed but backed down. David crushed it before dropping it and smashing it with his foot as extra precaution. "Where is she?"

Paul looked up at him. "Huh?" David huffed. Paul was high. Not as high as he'd usually be but was still high. "Our mate. Where is she?" He growled. "I don't know. She said she'd return. Said something about having a word with someone before leaving." David looked down in thought. Where could she have gone? She doesn't hang around anyone else. She wouldn't just go see the Emerson's without reason right now. His eyes widened. "Max." He whispered out. Marko, who was coloring in a coloring book with Laddie, stopped and quickly looked at him. "Why would she do that though?" He asked as he got up. "Keep coloring kid." Laddie nodded and colored happily.

"She might feel threatened. Especially for her egg. We have to go NOW." David used his speed to get out to his motorcycle. Marko following. Dwayne walked out. "Paul follow them. I'll stay with the egg." Paul got up and used his speed to leave as well. Dwayne looked at Laddie then at the egg. He sighed and sat by it. He kept staring at it. He wanted to hold it but was scared he'd damage it or crush it completely. Possibly killing his child. He scratched at his head as he sighed. "Hey... Don't know if you can hear me... Pregnancy books say about the possibility of the baby understanding their fathers voice but... You're in an egg right now." He sighed and dropped his head. Looking down at his lap. "And I'm talking to an egg. Can't even hear me anyways."

He laid back against the blankets. He stared up at the ceiling, now motionless. "I'm sorry kid. I can't give you heat." He thought about the times when Yin would wrap around the egg. She always said something about keeping it warm at any means necessary. He wonders if Yin was a fire dragon. She held so many qualities from them. The grudges. Tempers. Fire most of all. Staying around heat. Except the mountain part. Mountains usually mean cold weather. Maybe the heat inside of her keeps her warm.

*At the Emerson's house*

Max was parked outside the house and climbed out of the car with a satisfied smile. He was so close to convincing Lucy to start making everything official. He stopped and his eyes widened a bit. Leaning against a pillar of the house was Yin. She stared dead at him unblinking. "Yin. What are you doing here? I didn't summon you." She scoffed. "As if you could summon me." She got off the house and stepped down the steps until she touched the ground. "You're just a lowly vampire." She growled. He glared at her as his eyes shifted from calm to annoyance. Anger only barely bubbling. "I will ask one more time. What are you doing here?" He asked.

"You don't like me." He just stared unanswering. "And you definitely don't like the fact I have a child of my own now. Along with the boys." He growled. His teeth slightly showing in a small snarl. "Just a word of warning." She took a step forward. Her face darkening. Her eyes gleamed red. Her skin heating up as some scales came forward. Her horns growing on her head. Her tail flopping onto the ground and slithered around like a damned snake. "You come near me or my egg." The atmosphere around them darkened. Turning sour and cold. Despite being a vampire, Max felt goosebumps on his skin. She looked absolutely murderous. Now he understood the anger of a dragon threatened.

He took a step back but stopped when he heard motorcycles roar. The boys were coming and he refused to show weakness before them. He took a step forward just as they arrived but that was the wrong move. Yin lunged at him. Mouth open and sharp serrated teeth waiting to bite down on something. Claws extended to keep his skin from pulling away from her once she grabbed him. "Yin!" David jumped off his bike and flew at her quickly. The bike sliding across the ground.

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