Chapter 11

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Yin was playing with Laddie with a baseball. "There you go!" She called out happily as he broke some type of vase. Star jumped at the sound. Yin rolled her eyes at her skittish behavior. "Star. You're a vampire for fucks sake. You jump at such a thing makes me think otherwise." She looked away as she was sewing Laddies torn shirt. He had fallen when running in the cave and tore it in the fall. Of course the boys thought it was funny and didn't comfort him at all when he sobbed. Star had seemed to upset at that.

"Star. Don't worry. You'll be a full the next time we find you a meal." Star got up huffing. Throwing down what she was doing. "No! I don't want to feed! I don't want to turn fully!" Yin walked towards her. "Star. You don't have a choice." Star looked like she was about to cry. "I don't want to be a monster like you!" She shoved past her and left the cave. Yin stared forward before swallowing and looking down. "Yin?" Laddie grabbed her pant leg. She looked down to him as he looked at her with his big eyes. Such innocence. He had to turn so young.

"I'm going out. Stay here." She walked towards the exit. Grabbing Star who had been standing outside. She turned to her frightened. "Get inside and stay there. I'll be right back." She shoved her in before expanding her wings. Knelt slightly and jumped up. Taking off quickly. Star sat on the bed as tears fell. "I didn't mean to." he mumbled as she went back to sewing. Laddie joining her, asking where Yin went.

Yin had flown as high as she could. Flying up into the dark sky. Only the stars and moon illuminating her figure. She breathed out as she stopped. The air cold around her. Glancing down to the boardwalk she had witnessed the lights and hearing their joy. She looked down to herself, seeing scales on her stomach. She looked up to the sky as anger filled her. "Why can't I be happy!?" She cried out loudly as it echoed. She roared slightly as she shook. Some tears fell as she thought about her family. Her people. All dead.

"Yang. Forgive me. I failed you and we all had to pay the price." She muttered to herself as she watched the stars twinkle. Closing her eyes, she leaned back. Her wings stopped flapping as she fell backwards. Falling towards the water. She felt the wind rushing past her and could hear the water beating against itself. She was getting closer and closer until someone grabbed her. She wasn't paying attention and the touch had shocked her slightly. Looking up as she was cradled and held close. It was Marko. He looked at her with sad eyes. "Yin. What's wrong? It's ok." He said calmly to her. He held her face into his shoulder as she held his clothes. "Marko." She mumbled. This wouldn't last forever.

"I love you." She told him. He gripped her tighter and she felt a bit happier. He pulled away and kissed her in the air. Both spinning only slightly. Soon they heard cheering and catcalling. "Hey baby!" Both looked over seeing the other three surrounding them. "I want a turn!" Paul called. Marko held her possessively. Paul pouted as David ripped her out of his arms. Holding her close to him. "Mine now." He flew away as they called annoyed and chased him. She chuckled as they flew circles in the air to grab at her.

Eventually nearing the end of the night all four boys had gotten kisses from her. David had pet her head. "We're getting a large meal tomorrow night. Would you like to come with?" He asked. She softly pet his face with her left hand lovingly. "I'd love to love." He smirked at the name. He kissed her again before they flew down to the cave.

David carried her in. "We'll sleep with you tonight." He told her as they all removed their jackets and shoes. All piling up in the nest they made in the back. All of them having some sort of contact with her. David in front of her, Marko behind her, Dwayne had taken to laying by her head just petting her hair, and Paul at her legs. He rubbed them with his cheek happily. "So soft." He muttered. She kicked him softly as he gasped before laughing. The others laughed before yawning. The sun had started coming up outside. All of them closing their eyes.

*Next night*

Yin stood with the boys at the railing. Watching over the groups of people. Looking for snacks and meals. Yin licked her lips as she could practically hear their blood pumping. Suddenly someone yanked Marko away and gripped David angrily. It was Michael. "Where is she?!" He said angrily. Yin growled, ready to fight him. Dwayne held her shoulder. "Where's Star?" David smirked. "If you want to see her again then come with us." Yin grumbled at them taking the boy with them. Michael glared at her and followed David. The other three glared right back at seeing this. Marko ready to kill him already. "Come on. It's time." He told her. They all followed the other two to the bikes before going to a secluded area. A big bonfire lit up with people around it, partying.

You could almost think they were cultists or something. They all climbed the tree. Yin the highest. Michael told distracted by the people to move. "Michael. Over here." David called out. He quickly looked over and climbed after them. They all looked hungrily at the group. Michael just looked confused but slightly fascinated. He thought they were only gonna watch before joining the party. "Initiations over Michael. Time to really become one of us." Michael looked at David. Shadows covering his face. David looked down to him and revealed himself. Sharp bones pointing out his eyebrows and cheeks. His teeth sharp like a cat. You could almost say it reminded you of a cat. Yin always thought it was funny.

He looked at everyone as they revealed their faces to him. He looked up to Yin, not seeing her there anymore. Soon they were all gone. Michael looked around shocked. Before hearing screaming. Looking at the party his eyes widened. The boys were eating them!? He watched as they flew around and dragged people while others were picked up. Then he watched them be thrown into the fire. Until he saw Yin. She was the only one to actually eat body parts like it was actual food. He couldn't really see her face as she devoured someone. Just watching the blood was making him hurt. He was sweating as drool dripped down her chin.

Finally he pulled off the tree and rolled away before stopping. His body finally stopping whatever it was doing. Glancing up as he heard a snap. David walked to the top of the dune. The other three boys following. Yin was the last. Blood over her body. She smirked as she licked her lips. Paul picked her up and left as she chuckled. David and the other two remaining to speak with him. Paul carried her to the bonfire. Laying her on the ground he stripped her bare. His cock quickly hardening. "Shit baby~. You look absolutely breathtaking covered in blood." He held a flirtatious tone in his voice as he spoke. He leaned down and started licking up her body. She hummed as he licked up the blood. "This is so much better than the ocean." He mumbled.

He licked up to her breasts before licking a nipple. He softly nipped it as she moaned and gripped his hair. His hands slowly gliding up her legs towards her clit. She jumped slightly when Paul was yanked off. "My turn." Dwayne growled out. He leaned down and kissed her deeply. "Guys we gotta go. I hear more people coming." Marko told them. "Let's finish this later." Paul whispered in her ear. He grabbed her clothes and they all took off.

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