Chapter 27

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"Babe!" Paul shouted with pure joy on his face. He reached forward but Yin grabbed his arms and pushed him away. Hard. He fell to the ground and rubbed his ass groaning. "Baaabe." He complained as he stood back up. "Charlie. Head back to your mother. She's in the basement." Charlie quickly ran to her mother. Yin then glared to Paul. "Why would you hurt me?" He whined as he stepped forward again. "I'll do it again if you keep getting closer." He stopped and frowned.

"Babe... David is sorry... He really wants you back. We all do. We miss you." Yin rolled her eyes at him. "Yeah, boys will be boys. They'll apologize if they finally realize they don't get what they want." She said warningly. "That's not what's happening." Paul tried to explain. Yin just quirked an eyebrow. "Please. We all miss you. David was trying to apologize but you were gone. Please babes." Paul looks like he's about to cry. Yin growled. "I'm not some damsel that can be easily won back with some words." She scoffs and her tail slams against the ground making a loud thumping sound. Paul looks a bit upset. "I was starting to think maybe once my baby had hatched that I'd let them see their fathers... But now maybe I'll never let them see you guys at all." His eyes widened and his brows furrowed.

"No!" He shouted as he stepped forward. Anger showing through his face. Yin growled. "Paul. Back down." He hissed. "No! I will not! You are our mate! With our child! And I'll never let either of you go again!" He suddenly grabbed her arm and yanked her forward. She grit her teeth and went to blow fire at him but was surprised by a sudden kiss. His lips melded into hers. Her fire dying out. His tongue twisting with hers. Her heart beating fast. Tears forming as she closed her eyes. Damn she missed this.

She pulled away gasping. This shocked her. "So please." Paul lowered his head to her shoulder. His shoulders shaking. "Please come back. I love you." Her eyes widened. She looked down sighing. 'Only to have them apologize and make amends. Then we'll leave again.' She glanced back and saw Justice staring around the corner. She nodded and looked at Paul. "Fine. But you are to never return to this home. You or the others boys." He smiled really big. Honestly looked like an overly joyed kid. "Of course! Ummm... Where's the egg?" He asked a bit softer.

"Here!" They both looked back and saw Ricken holding the egg. "Ricken!" Justice yelled and ran to him. He held the egg that was wrapped in a blanket up. Yin smiled softly down at him and grabbed the egg. Cradling it. She turned back to Paul. He tried reaching for it but she held it closer, growling. "Not yet." He frowned more but nodded. "Okay." He turned and Yin followed. "Yin." Justice whispered. Yin glanced back and nodded. "I'll be back one day." She whispered as she followed Paul.

She followed him all the way to his bike. He sat on it and waited for her. She looked unsure but followed. Sitting on it. Not quite wanting to touch him yet. He felt more sadness now. She's still rejecting him.

Suddenly he took off, towards the cave. 'Boys.' Paul thought in his head. 'I found her. Meet back at the cave.'

*Time skip*

Yin was standing by the fountain. Holding the egg close to her. Paul was sitting on a broken bench, holding himself. Strangely not very talkative. "Do you still love us?" He asked. Yin grit her teeth and looked away. "I..." Suddenly more bikes sounded outside. Marko running in and smiling big seeing Yin. "Baby!" He ran to her with wide open arms. Yin took a step back, hitting the back of her leg on the fountain. Barely casting a glance back.

Marko looked confused and halted his movements. Sadness and confusing covering his face. "Baby?" He asked quietly. His arms slowly lowering. Dwayne walked in next and stood by his brother. "Yin..." He muttered. He felt deep sadness but great relief that she'd returned with the egg. "Yin we-" David interrupted him by walking past quickly. Anger covering his entire face. Yin felt completely alarmed. Her body preparing for an attack as her claws formed. She must protect the egg at all costs. "Do you know how worried we fucking were!" He shouted loudly. "We thought you fucking died!" His eyes starting to turn yellow.

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