Chapter 28

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Yin rocked back and forth on the nest of comfortable blankets and pillows. Coddling her baby. Sunny slept calmly in her arms. Paul watched with all the attention he could muster. Marko wanted to lay beside her but David took that spot. David had her pulled to his chest as he held her. His eyes closed as he hid his face into her head. His arms wrapped around her abdomen. Rubbing her exposed her stomach. They've been like this for almost an hour already. David didn't want to let her go. Growling at the other boys that tried to take over.

"David it's someone else's turn." Marko complained. David squinted his eyes open and growled at him. "I'm not just your mate David." Yin spoke softly. He rubbed his hands over her stomach before going to her thighs. "No." He grumbled and pulled her closer. "David I'm holding my baby. David." Yin tried warning him. He huffed and pulled his hands away. Marko eyed Sunny and held his hands out like a child. Yin sighed and handed her to him. He squealed and floated as he coddled her. Softly petting her hair. Yin chuckled slightly at his behavior.

David then picked up Yin and carried her away. "Keep the baby away for now." David ordered them as he carried his mate to another room. Yin growled but David slammed her to a mattress they had laying in the back. She whimpered a bit from her back still in pain. He sighed softly. "Sorry." He mumbled quietly. He pet her head softly. Then he slowly started stripping her. "David." Yin growled slightly. "It's okay. I don't want to hurt you worse." He looked to be holding back. Veins sticking out as he gripped the mattress.

Yin breathed slightly heavily as he finally took everything off of her. Her wounds from birthing the egg already healed. Her wounds from the storm, has not. He trailed his hands up her legs. Teasing her as he smirked, looking over her body. Touching just barely above where she wants him and keeps going up. Smoothing over her breasts before teasing her nipples. Yin pants softly. Heat growing within her. The more he teased her nipples the more her veins glowed with fire. Her heart now visible, outlined with heat under he skin. He stared in admiration. Never having seen anything to beautiful. He watched her heart beat. The pulse fast. She hissed out, wanting attention.

He scoffed and slapped her breast causing her to jump. "Behave or you won't get to cum." She whined as he slid his hands off her chest. Her boiling blood cooling down. The heated veins going away. "You are like science project. Full of many mysteries." She growled and lunged up. Taking advantage of his dropped guard and tackled him down. Pinning his arms above him with her hands.

"I'm in charge now." He attempted to reach her mind. Absolutely refusing to back down. Domination or nothing. She growled as her head aches. "Not this time bat." She huffed out. Long tongue slithering out and licking her lips. He looked down and eyed her breasts. He suddenly struggled, slipping an arm out of her hand causing her to slip a bit. He suddenly grabbed a breast and pinched a nipple. She gasped and buckled above him. He lunged forward and pinned her down quickly. "Now stay. Or I will punish you." Her mind slightly hazy with lust. Hazy enough for him to break through. His mind control forcing her to remain paralyzed to him.

*With Marko*

Marko rocked Sunny as he floated in the air. One of his birds flying up and sitting on his shoulder. "Marko. Do you know how disgusting that is? What if she gets infected with a disease?" Dwayne asked quickly. Taking defense for Sunny. Marko rolled his eyes. "Oh nothing will happen. I've trained them." He puffed his chest out proudly. Sunny cooed slightly and that's all it took for the bird to freak. Flapping crazily and squawking. Enough to freak out Dwayne as he flew forward at great speeds. Nabbing Sunny and flying away from them. Marko hushed the bird and forced it to go back into it's ledge. Dwayne hissed at Marko when his brother turned his attention back to the two.

Marko sighed and floated down and sat on the fountain. Laddie running over with a ball. "Can we play?" He asked cheerfully. Marko smiled big and enthusiastically. "Hell yeah!" He shot up. "Don't curse in front of him!" Dwayne shouted at Marko. The two ran out laughing. Going to play ball outside. The nice cool breeze pushing away the heat in the night air. Paul laughed at what happened but seemed more interested in the sudden sounds filling the air. Loud moaning and slapping skin started echoing. David sure sounded like he was going hard on her. Maybe makeup sex?

Paul shrugged and hoped he would get a turn eventually. Leaving to join his brother and the kid. Dwayne blushed slightly but followed Paul out. Wanting to give them space. Wishing he could join the two but has to care for the baby. He rocked her as he stepped outside. The cool air tickling her skin. She wriggled slightly as her face scrunched up. Her eyes finally opening. Showing her vibrant orange eyes. Leaning towards blue. Her eyes shiny and so so bright. She whined but calmed as Dwayne hummed. Calming her immediately.

None knowing about the eyes watching them from above the cliff. Michael stared down in anger. 'They kidnapped yet another child!' He argued with himself. Yet strangely this one looked familiar. Strangely like some of the boys. He turned and left quickly. Forming a plan to rescue the kids and finally defeat the boys and Yin.

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