Chapter 31 : For no reason at all

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*.•Ao'nung POV•.*


"They found his... pulse? But he's dead?"

I plow through the other two, almost knocking them both to the ground. I run and run until I reach the medics marui, barging inside. Next to the mat where Neteyam has been lying motionless for the past couple of days, my mother is knelt down holding his wrist.

"Mama, is he- Did you-" "Yes son, he has a pulse" I feel tears pricking at my eyes, but I just let them fall this time. His heart is beating.

"We do not know when he will wake up. It could be today, tomorrow, next week, or even next month. But he has a pulse." I might be able to see him again....

I have so many things to tell him about.

"Would you like to be alone with him for a bit?" My mother has already stood up and is walking past me to the door with a soft smile, pausing for a second to wait for my repsonse. "Thank you mama" I call after her yet again and then go and sit down next to Neteyam.

I wait in silence for a bit. Just keeping my eyes on Neteyam's chest, for any indication of life.

But all the same I guess.

I take his hand in mine, smiling through my tears. Breathing in. Breathing out. The only sound in the entire marui was my inhaling and exhaling. Usually, I would come in here and have a hundred things to say. Today my mind was blank.

The thought that he may be able to hear me, this made it a hundred times harder to say something. I opened my mouth to day something, but stop when I feel the grip around my hand tighten.

"Neteyam? Can you hear me?" Please tell me he can hear me... The grip tightens yet again. "Wait, can you really? Squeeze my hand twice to say yes." Nothing. I knew it was too good to be- the grip tightens, once then twice.

"Is this what-" I stop myself. I hear a light groan coming from the boy in front of me. "Tey?" The grip around my hand tightens again, but this time it remains strong. Panicking, my eyes flicker over the moving body in front of me.

His eyes flutters bit, ultimately flickering open. "Hey Ma'Nung" Though raspy, that's Teyam's voice. Am I dreaming? If this is a dream my brain is fucking cruel...

"You're awake!" My eyes water as I hold him close. He groans in pain. "Oof sorry!" I lower him back onto the mat, bringing a hand up to my face and drying one of the tears rolling down my face. I start cupping his face gently and he smiles.

"I've missed you so much, and I- I'm so sorry. About everything that happened before the war, and stuff. I shouldn't have listened to my dad I should hav-" I get cut off. Neteyam puts his arms around my neck and pulls me down into a kiss. 

It was short, but sweet. Everything I had hoped for since I first layed eyes on the boy.

After a couple seconds, we pull back and just stare into each other's eyes. "Ao'nung, I love you so much." He smiles, panting since he had technically only been breathing now for like five minutes. "I love you too Ma'Teyam" I kiss him on the forehead, standing up.

"Where are you going?" He frowns at me, not even bothering to try and get up. "Well, I have to get some medics in here" I explain, coming a bit closer to him again so he doesn't lose his neck trying to look at me. "Fine, I'll allow it" He grins cheekily, making me roll my eyes out of instinct.

"Be right back" I call out to him, running to find any medics hanging around. "Mama! Come! Quick!" I find her standing talking to Mr Sully. "What's wrong Ao'nung?" I can't help but feel like a child as I grab onto my mother's wrist and try to pull her after me back to the medics marui, even though I am now much taller than her.

"Just come mama!" I continue to pull her until she actually comes after me, gesturing for Mr Sully to follow. I try not to speed up too much for my mother's sake, but right now my brain only has 10% of the control. "Can you please just tell me? Are we at least almost there?" I don't answer her as we almost immediately make it to right outside the marui. 

"What are we doing here son?" She eyes Mr Sully to check his reaction to the location, him knowing that this was where his unconscious son was. "Go inside!" I nudge her closer to the door where I see that Neteyam has fallen asleep, and looks exactly like he did when he was unconscious.

"What is it?" She asks, a bit more annoyed now. I crouch down next to Neteyam and put my hands on his shoulders and try to wake him. Surely, his eyes slowly open and focus on his surroundings. Specifically his father. 

"Neteyam?" In that moment, Mr Sully's voice was filled with nothing but relief. I can probably imagine how that felt for him. 

Soon enough more medics flooded in and started working around Neteyam, pushing both me and Mr Sully outside. I hope Teyam's going to be okay...


Also about most of this chapter, I feel like it's a little bit rushed and that I should rewrite it so that might happen, but idk. 

This book is almost at it's end so ya. I'm also just for the last couple chapters gonna put the song recommendation on top (you don't have to listen to it, I just feel like it looks better like that).

Special shout-out to @stooberry_for helping me write this chapter! [Check out their book]

Special shout-out to @stooberry_for helping me write this chapter! [Check out their book]

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Thank you so much for reading this part! Have a wonderful day/night! 💙


*.•I can't handle change - R.O.A.R•.*

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