Chapter 2 : Skxawng

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Honestly I don't really like this chapter so if you do, stop lying to yourself it sucks. I might rewrite it. (around 1296 words btw) Have a nice day/night and I hope you enjoy this chapter! 💙

"You have to sleep brother" Kiri whispers from behind me, putting a hand on my shoulder as she sit down next to me. "I'm not tired" I keep my eyes glued to the water outside our 'marui pod', knowing I will probably not be able to sleep tonight anyways.

"Brother, you have not slept in four days. You refused to close your eyes on the flight" I roll my eyes as Kiri continues to try and convince me. "Maybe I just didn't want to fall to my death in the middle of the ocean" I speak the sarcastic comment, earning Kiri to slap me in the face.

"Brother I will not leave you alone until you go to bed" Kiri says, I look up and see that she looks tired as well. "You should sleep as well" I point out as she rolls her eyes and looks away. "Only if you do" She gets up and offers me a hand to get up as well. "Fine, let's go to bed I guess" I take her hand and pull myself up.

I put an arm over her shoulder and lead her towards her mat. "Good night Kiri" I push her down by her shoulders and leave her on the mat, walking over to the last empty one. I lie down but do not fall asleep.

I stare at the ceiling for the entire night until I decide that I can get up since I see that the sun is starting to come up already. I stand up and tiptoe out of the pod, towards the beach. I make sure to walk slowly on the nets suspended to form a path, as to not make it move too much.

When I reach the end of the suspended paths I jump onto the sand, relieved that I don't have to be as quiet anymore. Just as I think I have gotten away with it I hear some movement behind me. I turn to face my younger brother who stops in his tracks when he sees that I've turned around.

"Hey bro, why are you following me?" I ask him as he continues walking until he is standing right in front of me. "The real question is, where the fuck are you going?" he looks around at our unfamiliar surroundings and I roll my eyes. "For a walk, now answer my question" I cross my arms as he looks at me with an annoyed look.

"Oh wait is that mum calling me?" he turns to look at the maruis as I keep my stance. "Lo'ak! come back!" he covers his mouth as he says this in a high voice and then starts walking away. "Oh look there it is again!" he doesn't give me a second to respond before he is too far for me to whisper to him.

"Skxawng" I whisper under my breath and take a seat on one of the rocks.

I decide that I am going to spend this time trying to remember the names and appearance of everyone I met yesterday, and practice the breathing techniques. If I was going to be perfect at everything here it would take a lot of sacrifice on my part.

The girl, was called Tsireya, she was very good with Tuk. And she was ogling Lo'ak the same way he was ogling her. The boy, was Rotxo, I don't know much about him though. The last boy was called Ao'nung, I think.

He was, I don't know. His eyes were so beautiful and his- what? what am I thinking? for the love of eywa stop that!

I shake my head to rid myself of the thought and try to practice the breathing techniques. I manage to slow my heart much faster than yesterday and decide to test it in the water. The sun is almost up by now, but I still make sure to be quiet as I shuffle into the water.

Though I still feel as I am being watched...

I swim until I get to a place that is deep enough for me to dive down. I take a couple of deep breaths before taking a last one and diving down, immediately mesmerized by the marine life. I resume underwater for much longer than I had yesterday until it feels like my lungs are burning.

hastily, I swim up to the surface and catch my breath. I rub my eyes to get the water away from my eyelids. When I open them again, I see Ao'nung sitting on a rock nearby watching me. I tilt my head sideways as to ask what he is doing but he just quickly looks away.

I shrug it off and start to swim towards him, still not very efficient at speed in the water. "Hi Ao'nung!" I cling onto the rock so that I do not have to keep moving my legs. "Hey forest boy" I roll my eyes at the name but smile at him.

"What were you doing in the water?" he changes the subject since we had just stood staring at each other in silence for a good ten seconds. "Practicing" I mumble and pull myself up onto the rock so that I am sitting next to him.

"Not very well, you swim like a rock" I fake gasp at this comment and he just stares at me with the same unfazed look. Like he's deep in thought. "Well, maybe you should teach me" I suggest and he chuckles like it's a stupid idea.

"Oh wait, you're serious?" I nod eagerly and he stops to think about it for a second. "Maybe, depending on how well you learn the sign language today. Then I will know how bad you are at learning" I nod, understanding and slip back into the water.

"Where are you going?" he asks as I start swimming away. "The sun has risen, the lesson is starting" I continue swimming without looking back and leave him behind. Not exactly. He slips into the water as well and is swimming beside me within twenty seconds.

"Race?" he asks me but I immediately shake my head, knowing that it is not even a competition. "Fine, if you're such a scaredy cat" this comment pisses me off so I decide to at least have the race. "Alright then, you're on" I start swimming before he can think about it so that I have a little more of a chance to win.

Just before I reach the beach, Ao'nung swims past me and runs onto the sand before I can. "At least you're out of breath" I point out that he is panting as I hold onto my knees for support. "I'll admit, you are good competition. For a forest Na'vi" he starts walking away and I quickly follow him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask when I catch up to him, trying to make eye contact with him. "Nothing" he puts his hands up and looks just past my head when he raises his. I spin around on my heels to see Kiri, Tuk, and Lo'ak walking with Tsireya and Rotxo. When they are close enough to hear me I greet all five of them before Tuk jumps into my arms.

"Hey there tanhì(star)!" I pick her up into my arms as she buries her face in the crook of my neck. "Where were you!" she pretends to look serious, but I can see the smile on her face. "We woke up, and you were gone!" I smile as I hugged her tightly. "What, you think I'd leave you? I promise I never will" I whisper in her ear, even though the others hear as well.

I hear Tsireya say 'Aw' as I say this. I put Tuk down slowly and we immediately start the lesson.

here we go.

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