Chapter 20 : Adventures

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*.•Ao'nung POV•.*⋆   

Me and Rotxo sit on the sand waiting for the Sullys to arrive, staying in an awkward silence as Tsireya went to go 'get something from the marui'. "So, how's it been going with Kiri?" I look at him just in time to catch his face blushing tremendously. "Does that mean something happened?" I stare into his soul, raising my eyebrows slightly.

"I can't say" he looks down at his lap and fiddles with a bracelet on his hand. "Okay..." I continue to stare at him until I remember something, Rotxo doesn't have a bracelet. I look at his hands and notice the same types of beads I had seen on Neteyam's necklace.

"You got that from Kiri didn't you bro" he looks up at me, I can see panic in his eyes and it makes me chuckle. "No, I-" "Don't lie to me bro, you're terrible at it" I put a hand on his shoulder and he inhales sharply, turning to face me. 

"We kissed" before I can react to this I hear voices coming from behind me and I snap my head in the direction of the noise and see Neteyam carrying Tuk, Lo'ak and Kiri following behind. "Hey guys!" Kiri pushes ahead of her brother and goes to sit next to Rotxo, who I then smirk at as I watch his cheeks deepen in colour.

"Where is Reya?" Lo'ak looks around in an attempt to find my sister and I shrug, not knowing either. As if right on cue, Tsireya walks over to us from the maruis and wraps her arms around Lo'ak's waist. I make sure they are looking at me and fake gag, winning a small laugh from Neteyam.

"Feeling better?" he walks on closer to me and surveys the sling around my arm. "Yes I'm fine Ma'teyam, calm down" I whisper it in his ear so the others don't get to see what makes his cheeks go deep blue. "If you say so, what are we doing today?" he directs the last part at my sister who gives him a warm smile as she rests her head against Lo'ak's chest.

"We are going to practice sign language" "And/or breathing techniques" Rotxo adds bringing the attention upon himself and Kiri, who are sitting together holding hands. gross. "All of us together?" he asks another question, turning back to Reya. "No, in pairs" "or three's" Rotxo adds yet again, making Reya sigh. 

"Can I go with you Teyam?" Tuk brings her head away from Neteyam's shoulder and looks at him with pleading eyes. "Sure" he avoids eye contact with me as he answers his sister, putting her down in the sand. "Ok! let's go!" she starts nagging at Neteyam, who instantly regrets his decision to let her join us.

"Follow me" I start walking but stop when I stop when I feel Neteyam's hand slip into mine. "Can Ao'nung carry me?" Tuk ruins the moment and I see a hint of hurt flash in Neteyam's eyes, for whatever reason. "But his arm-" "I probably can" I lift Tuk with my one arm, surprising Neteyam. 

"How weak do you think I am Ma'teyam?" I look over to his shocked expression and he shakes his head. "Not weak, I just don't know if this is the greatest thing for a healing injury" I laugh at how worried he is acting and he slaps the back of my head to shut me up. 

We walk to the other side of the beach in silence, enjoying each other's company. "Tuk, do you know how to build a sand castle?" she stares at me with an 'are you serious rn' look and I laugh at the sudden seriousness in the child's face. "I mean like, a good sand castle" she shrugs and I slip her onto the ground, seeing Neteyam watch us in the corner of my eye. 

Together with Tuk, we build the best sand castle on the whole of pandora (Tuk's words). I give her some shells to put inside the castle but every time I look away to find more, I see her put them in her pocket in the corner of my eye. 

Me and Tuk have absentminded conversations until she gets distracted by the castle and starts roleplaying the 'family' that lived there. I stand up to see Neteyam staring at me with wide eyes and slight blush on his face. "What?" I look at him confused, his expression not changing. "Your accent is, hot" I feel a smile break onto my face as he says this, making me blush a little as well. 

"Oh yeah?" he nods eagerly. "do you like my accent?" I tease him and see him shake his head and look away. "It's fine, It's cool" I laugh and step closer to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Ma tìyawn" I speak as low as I can. "You're so cringey" he tries to push my arm off but I tighten my grip. "You don't look like you're cringing. You look like you're blushing, a lot" I laugh as he tries to break free from my grip yet again.

"I'm not!" chuckling at his statement, I push him down to the ground with one arm, slowly. "Oh yeah? You sure?" I whisper it in his ear as quietly as I can, almost touching my lips to his ear. "leave me alone you dick!" he tries to break free from my grip, which at this point is more of a hug as I rest his back over my legs watching him smile up at me. "I dont understand Ma Tìyawn" I smile at him as he finally admits defeat and stops trying to break free.

"I win" I roll him onto the sand and stand up, leaving him lying there flushed. "Come on! we have to at least practice something!" I start walking away and after a couple of seconds of just sitting in the sand staring at me, he stands up to follow. "Where are we going? We can't leave Tuk" Neteyam gestures back over to his little sister, who is still playing with her sand castle. 

"Just here on this rock to make it a bit easier to focus" I sit down and he takes a seat next to me. 



I'm working on making a schedule so I work more efficient and have a more reliant upload pattern, but for now you'll have to live off of not knowing. Also if you understood the 'accent' thing, very good. 

Thank you so much for reading and have such a nice day/night! 💙


*.•Numb little bug - Em Beihold.*
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