Chapter 3 : Sup

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A whopping 1045 words in this chapter (not that much is it?). Anyways, have fun reading it I hope you have a nice day/night! 💙

(also, to my friends reading this : SET FIRE TO YOUR HAIR, POKE A STICK AT A GRIZZLY BEAR...)

"Ao'nung! stop staring off into space and sit down" I spin my head around, definitely not hurting my neck, and see that everyone sitting in a circle in the sand. "Yea, sorry" I chuckle a bit and rub the back of my neck as I take a seat in between Rotxo and Tuk. 

Rotxo gave me look to ask if I was okay and I nodded, not the worst lie I've told. "Alright, how about we start!" Tsireya takes the attention off me, noticing that I am getting uncomfortable. Tsireya shows them some of the signs and the others try to copy, maybe not perfect, but that's okay.

My eyes keep moving back to gaze at the boy I had met yesterday, his golden eyes basking in the light of... What am I saying?

Before I can internally slap myself, Tuk grabs onto my arm and shakes it a bit. "What's wrong?" I frown at her and she stops shaking my arm. "It's too hard!" she complains about the language, winning a short chuckle from me. I grab her hands and show her some of the basic signs, which she immediately forgets but then jumps up and starts running the other way. 

Dumbfounded, I watch her go before realizing that I probably shouldn't let her leave as she does not know this place. I stand up and follow her, grabbing her in my arms. "Where do you think you're going, little monkey?" I pull her back and start tickling her. 

She laughs uncontrollably and is lying on the floor when I stop. "I wanna do something else!" she sits up and pouts, trying to convince me to let her go unsupervised. I look back over to the group, who are all watching me, and question silently what I should do. 

"I'll go with her" Kiri, the older sister, states as she stands up out of the circle and walks up to me and Tuk. "Come on, let's go!" She grabs Tuk's hand and starts walking away, Tuk skipping at her side. I can't help but notice the slightly sorrow look on Rotxo's face as Kiri goes. 

Hello yeah am I teasing him about this later...

"And then there were two..." I joke as I walk back over to the circle, keeping my eyes glued to my feet. I hear a chuckle and look up to see Neteyam smiling at me. I stare at him, eyes wide, as I take my seat next to Rotxo. 

We, Tsireya and Rotxo, continue teaching the two boys until I notice how high the sun is in the sky. "Reya, I think it's lunch time" the same way I think that fish can swim. She looks up and her eyes widen as she jumps up from the sand. "You're right! Sorry boys, we have to go" she grabs my arm and pulls me away backwards. I just keep my eyes solemnly glued to the group I am being pulled away from. 

(Sound familiar @Floofy_Guinea_pig ?)

I see the two brothers exchange a glance as Rotxo watches after me with an annoyed look on his face. "Where do we have to be?" I shake Reya off my arm and turn to face her, rubbing where her strong grip had held my arm. "Lunch? Papa said we have to be at some important thing I don't remember" I roll my eyes and walk ahead of her to the marui. 

"Father, where do we have to be?" I walk inside and see him sitting on the floor, looking at an object in his hands that he hastily chucks to the side. "We are to have Lunch with Toruk Makto and his family" my father speaks with confidence, something I admire about him.

However, I curse under my breath at the thought of having to spend time with the Sully's. I don't know what it is but some of them, Lo'ak, just rub me the wrong way I guess. "Ao'nung" my father remarks my rude behaviour and I bow my head in apology. 

Tsireya walks in as well and sit down on her mat, looking at me with a mischievous smile. "What?" I look at her with fear in my eyes at what she may do next. "Can you let me do your hair?" she looks up at me with pleading eyes as I playfully roll mine. 

"Come on, pleaseeeeeeeeee" she continues dragging out the 'e' until I can't take it anymore and I walk up to her to shush her. "Fine" I mumble deafeated, "But it's staying in a bun!" I quickly manage to add that. She also looks annoyed at that and sits me down in front of her, sitting on a stool so that she is higher. 

She pulls my hair out of the bun and I turn to her with an annoyed look. "I said-" she stops me by putting a hand in front of my mouth. "I'm just going to put some braids in it, then I'll put it back up" she reassures me and I reluctantly nod and turn my head back. 

I feel her braid some of my hair before putting it up into a bun again. "All done!" she turns my head to look at the finished product and smiles at her work. "Oh wait! one last touch!" she jumps off the stool she was seated on and opens a small box next to her bed. 

Out of the box, she pulls a small yellow flower, knowing that it is my favourite colour.  She approaches me again and puts the flower behind my ear. "Oh Ao'nung you look so pretty now!!!!" she sarcastically compliments me as I stand up grudgingly. 

"Zip it or I never let you do my hair again" she immediately stops laughing and pretends to zip her mouth shut. "Are you ready?" our father looks up from the ground and asks us whether we are ready to leave yet.  We both nod and he gets up, Tsireya already skipping away. 

"Forgot your purse?" my dad makes a remark about my hair and I look up at him shocked. He doesn't react and continues walking after Reya. I follow, however at a distance. 

Why did I let Reya do my hair? This is going to be a long lunch...

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