"Do you want us to be friends, buddy?"

"If you want to, then yes."

"Then I think you should call me Carl."

He became so happy that he clapped his hands and said, "And you can call me Lio."

They had a little fist bump. This whole conversation between Carl and Lio made my heart swell. It was so good to see them like that. Carl held his little hand in his and he came hopping towards me. "Rosy, we are friends. Now, let's go inside everyone is waiting for you."

"Already? Nice. Okay, little guy. Let's go."

"Stop calling me little guy. I'm a big guy now. I do my homework everyday. I drink milk. I eat in time. I listen to everything you say."

Both me and Carl laughed at his cute words. What am I gonna do with this little munchkin. "But don't you think you are still a little guy in front of your new friend, Carl?"

He scanned his eyes over Carl from head to toe then held his head low. I again hunched in front of him and pulled his chin to meet his gaze. "What happened?"

"When will I be able to take the martial art classes?"

"Soon, baby."

"But I want to become big like him."

"And you think martial arts can make you as big as him?"

"He nod his head. I smiled at him and took his face in my hands and said, "Martial arts does make you big but not as big as him."


"You have to become a good man for that. You have to help people in need. You have to tell bad people to back off when they are mean and if they still don't listen then we are here to help. You have to take care of your loved ones."

"Ohhhhh..... That's the recipe?"

I chuckled, "You mean that's the way."

"Yes. Yes. I'll be a good man, Rosy."

"I know, big guy. Now can we go inside."

The smile came back on his face. When I stood to my full length, I saw Carl looking at me with a calm, sweet smile. We headed inside but he still managed to whisper in my ears,"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"The pep talk with Lio."

"I told the truth, Carl. Not a single thing was made up."

He held my stare for little too long and then we were engrossed with the kids. My little flowers look so happy. They prepared so much for me. It filled my eyes with tears. Congratulations on becoming a crybaby on your birthday. I wish they could get someone like Uncle Matt in their life.

Around afternoon, Carl again dragged me to a dress shop. He wants to take me out on a date. I was very happy. The day was going just how I imagined but I was still not happy that both Zio and Lia forgot to wish me.

Keeping that aside I went to change to a dress that Carl picked for me. He was stunned to look at me. His jaw was about to hit the floor I giggled like a schoolgirl. He also hired makeup artist so that I don't have to go through the hassle of getting my makeup done.

He took me to a roof top restaurant but it was too dark to be true. Like I have never seen a restaurant this dark but when we entered the roof the roof came back to life and everyone screamed "Happy Birthday". My zio and zia, Lisa, my friends, Carl's family and my little flowers, everyone were there. The only weird thing was that the Mexicans were also there. So, this is how Carl planned to bring Mrs. Espina on board. Nice one, Don. Without showing that smug thought on my face, I put up a genuine happy face. Everyone came running to hug me and wish me birthday. Not a single person forgot my birthday. They were just preparing to surprise me.

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