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This man doesn't listen to anything. I'm saying that I'm okay but he's just so fucking stubborn. I'm refraining from punching him because he's taking care of me. But if this continues I cannot promise anything. Thank God before I could do anything that I would have regretted. we reached home. And again he picked me up. It's not like I'm hating it but still. We went inside and saw our families gossiping. When they saw me they got really worried. Giana and Floria asked about every single detail and you know how a mother's heart works. I saw that Uncle Matt was not there. I felt a little sad but I'll call him to talk about it. Without giving me any opportunity to talk further he took me to my room.

I think for the first time in his life he's doing things so softly. He placed me on the bed as softly as possible as if I'll break. He pulled out the first aid box from the drawer. He was completely overreacting. I was fine. But he's not ready to listen. Only Uncle Matt and Alisa cared for me my whole life. This sudden care from him is making me addicted but I cannot do that. I spoke my mind just the way I like. But he promised me forever and kissed me. The kiss which I was waiting for forever. I know it's wrong but I cannot pull from him. It's making me dizzy and happy. My tears couldn't control themselves. Bloody tears. I told him that I needed to take care of something before I can comment anything about us. And to my surprise, he didn't ask what worked. He didn't force me anything. He just said he'll wait. I know we'll meet again but I don't know after knowing the truth whether he'll wait anymore or not. He treat my knuckles and placed a soft kiss on my forehead before he left.

I need to know why he's looking for 'Black Rose'. If it's something major, which I think is, then I have a plan for it alone. I have to do it my way and I don't want anyone to influence my thoughts. I went to the balcony to call my uncle.

"Hello, princess."

"Why are you not here?"

"I have my reasons."

"What are the reasons that you can't even attend your little Alisi's wedding?"

"I can't, Rose. Carlos Valentino knows me. Almost everyone in the mafia knows who I am."

"Yes, but they don't know how you look."

"Italian mafia knows how I look. Carlos's father, Rico, once helped me with something from then on we know each other. We don't meet frequently but we are acquaintances and Carlos also knows how I look. And even if they didn't know, Alisa knows my name and how I look."

"Okay. I understood. But were you able to find out why they were searching for me?"

"Yes. They want you to bring down Diego Espina-"

I interrupted.

"- Head of the Mexican mafia."

"Yes. They are crossing the Italian mafia for a long time and also because they run a sex racket. They are also planning for an attack on the Italians but Rose they don't know anything about it."

"But why didn't he contact me in the usual way?"

"These are confidential plans. He didn't want any medium between you guys. And knowing you, you wouldn't have met him in person. That's the reason behind all the hacking."

"I understand. I think it's time Rose. Tell him about your real identity."

"No, uncle. I need to plan everything perfectly."

"But if you tell him everything you'll get his help."

"I'll tell him but I have to learn everything about Diego. Knowing about him, he's not an easy guy."

"Okay as you wish. After you come back we'll sit with this. Till then don't stress about this. Just enjoy."

"Yes, uncle. After one month Alisa will hold a post-marriage party in Italy. That you have to attend and that's enough time for me."

"Okay tell her that."

"Yes. Bye."

"Bye, sweetie."

I hung up. Thank God for not ruining me. I have heard about the Mexicans before also. They are into sex trafficking. Selling teenagers for money, drugs, and many more. You name a sin and they have done it. Whatever Carl does, it is illegal but he never sinned. I'll help him. I'll tell him everything but before that, I have to study my prey.


The next morning I was a little dizzy after all it's alcohol even if it's light. Alisa's condition was devastating. She was ready to bang her head on the wall. Of course. Hard liquor, hard-grooving, and Consequences are also hard.

"Alisa for heaven's sake get up and take these medicines."

"Don't shout. I'm dying with my headache."

"That's why take these fucking medicines. I cannot run behind you like a small kid."

Without any further debate, she swallowed the medicines. Families were ready to put some sense in them. Only I and Carl were not banging our heads otherwise everyone was crawling. Luca was the funniest among all. I don't know why he was crying but he was hilarious.

"Luca, why are you crying?"

"Rosy baby...."

Again a rush of sadness.

"Yes, Luca I'm all ears."

"She broke my heart."




"She ate my favorite ice cream."

"What? Only ice cream?"

"It's a big deal Rosy baby. That's my favorite flavor."

"What flavor?"


"Okay, I'll buy you as many ice creams as you want."

And he hugged me with all his love. I don't know how he's Carl's right-hand man but never mind. Just when I was thinking about him he came down. With a bright smile towards me and a good morning kiss. Though nobody saw it.

"What is happening here?"

"Your right-hand man is missing his favorite vanilla ice cream."

"The fuck. I know his eternal love for vanilla but now it's getting to his head."

"Carly boy you won't understand. I'll buy him ice cream."

"Can I get a share?"

"Not of Vanilla flavor."

"I never mentioned I want ice cream."

He came near me and whispered in my ear.

"Can I get you?"

I pushed his shoulder.


"Okay. Just to let you know that thought of spending some time alone with you but if you don't want to go then I'll take Beatrice."

"Okay fine I'll go."

"I knew it. I'll wait."

I don't know what is waiting for me but I know it's something beautiful. I just have to keep in mind not to give away my real identity. I have only one shot to take Diego down and I'm not taking it for granted even if it means hiding some things from him.

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