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Traitors are the most dangerous kind of enemy because they hide their treachery under the mask of friends. And there is no forgiveness for the traitors. So, the story of Beatrice ends here.

We went to the hall and saw everyone gather there. Everybody held a stern expression on their face. Rose joined Angelina and Luca joined me.

"How many of you know what happens to the traitors in our kingdom?"

Some said, burning alive, some said skinning them alive, and some said shooting them in their head.

"So, you know what happens to the traitors."

Everyone was confused about what am I talking about except Luciano, Angelina, and Lia.

"Beatrice is dead. She was a traitor. She ratted out our plans to the Mexicans. This must be a warning to everyone who is standing here today. It's your wish to rat out or not but then it'll be my wish whether you live or not and every time I wish them death. So, think twice before ratting us out. Does anyone have any questions? If not, then disperse."

Everyone dispersed. No question. This shows how much you respect your Don. I don't find it disrespectful if one of my men asks questions but I think I made myself clear to them.

Angelina came up to me and said, "Why did she do that?"

"Long story short, her obsession with me resulted in her death."

Lia said, "Why am I not shocked?"

Luciano and Aldo also joined. Aldo said, "Nobody is shocked. Everyone knew what kind of a pain in the ass she was."

"Let's not talk about her anymore. She's in the past. I felt something was wrong with her and that's what happened." I let out a sigh. "Luciano, inform us when your men reach Mexico. We have to see how they react when they find the body."

"Yes, boss."

I passed through them and went straight to Rose. She was thinking something but when she saw me she smiled at me and hugged me and said, "I'm proud of you."

"You are boosting my ego."

"Maybe but I'm proud of you. The way you manage everything, it's just amazing."

"That's my responsibility. I need to take care of and protect my family, including you."

"Then I will protect you."

I chuckled at her. She's too cute. Luca coughed and all the eyes were on us.

He said, "You know some of us are single right here. Don't rub it in our face."

Rose said, "Then find someone. Stop fucking those strippers."

"What can be done? Not everyone is as lucky as your boyfriend."

She chuckled and hid her face in my chest.

"Rose, I have something to take care of. Will you be okay?"

"Stop worrying about me. I wanted to visit my uncle. I need to fill in whatever happened for the last two days and I won't do that over the phone. So, you finish your work and you can pick me up on the way home."


Aldo said, "I'll drop you off. Your house is on my way."

"Okay." She kissed me one last time and left.

I turned back to Luca and asked, "Burn her body."

"Yes, boss. By the way, Andrei was trying to contact you."

"Fine, I'll call him. Where is Val?"

"He's still not in."

"And why's that?"

"I don't know."


I went back to my office and called Andrei. He picked up on the fourth ring. He was gasping as if he ran a marathon.

"Bad timing, I guess"

"You're right. I was just seconds away to make her come and you called."

"Andrei, I'm not interested in your sex life. Why were you calling me this whole time?"

"To tell you congratulations."

"For what?"

"For killing Diego. Fucking finally."

"Then I guess you have dialed the wrong number. If anyone receives this congratulation, then it's Rose."

"Rose?", he sounded confused.

"Long story. brother. I'll tell you when we meet. First, we have to take care of this Marco Espina."

"He despised his father, Carl. I don't think he'll do anything like his father."

"He's going to be the next Don and Diego's blood runs in his body. We can't take any chances about it."

"I understand. Fine then let me go back to my fucking."

I chuckled and hung up. Now I have to look for my underboss. God, sometimes it feels like I run a babysitting agency and not a mafia. After calling him three to four times, there was a knock at my door, "Come in." I saw Val covered in blood. 

"What happened to you?"

He smirked and sat on one of the chairs across my table. Then he said, "We had a drug dealer in our kingdom. He was holding women and children captive for his drug dealing. Packaging and stuff and unfortunately also to rape."

Rage was running through my body. He continued, "Since you were busy with the Mexicans, I took care of him. I wiped out his existence. Transferred the children to our orphanage and women to the care homes."

"Fantastic job, brother. I'm sorry. I couldn't keep track of what was happening in our kingdom. But I'm proud of you."

"Stop right there. You have many responsibilities as a Don. I know you should take care of your kingdom but taking care of Diego was important. You did the right thing. And I'm the underboss for a reason."

I pulled him in a hug. These are the times when I realize that I can trust them with my life. 

"I hope it's not your blood."

"No, it's not and I heard you killed the traitor?"

"I did."

"See, you did your job."

We laughed.  If my family is beside me like this then I'm ready to fight all the battles that are thrown at me. My father may have taught me to be tough and emotionless but my mother always taught us to love people and I'm thankful for that. I may seem to be a monster to everyone but my family always reminds me that I do have a heart and especially since the day Rose came into my life.

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