I blink a few times, my eyes adjusting to the light, and I realise I'm lying down, and two people were looking down at me.

Specifically, Rebekah and Kol. 

"Pallium quo intea-," I start to mutter before anything else, but Rebekah holds my hand down. 

"No magic, you just passed out," she says and I look between the two. 

"Um, sorry for showing up unannounced," I say, adjusting my dress to attempt to hide my belly, though it was futile. At this point, I was just too big. 

"Did you get a magical baby implant?" Kol asks with a straight face and Rebekah swats him.

"I thought we were going to ease our way into it?" She scolds Kol quietly, but he shrugs. 

"I- um, what?" I ask, confused at what a 'magical baby implant' was, but Rebekah decided to bite the bullet and pinched the bridge of her nose. 

"Since when were you pregnant?" She asks and I shift around on the bed where I lay.

"What do you mean?" I ask, opting to play dumb, but she rolls her eyes and points to my belly. "Seven months," I say in a tone barely above a whisper and her eyes bulge. 

"Seven months? You've been growing a baby for seven months and you never told me?" 

"Don't take it personally," I say with a shrug. "I haven't told anyone."

"No one?" She breathed and I look around, hearing footsteps.

"Pallium quo inteamt," I mutter, and the original didn't stop me this time, and it was just in time because the remaining two Mikaelson siblings walked in. Rebekah, out of the corner of my eye, had her jaw on the floor and her eyes were bulging, but I ignored it in favour of keeping my ruse up and having two be the maximum of people who are in the know.  

"Morrigan," Klaus said, a rare cheerfulness in his voice. "I didn't know we would be seeing you today."

"Um, I just happen to be walking by. I was just leaving," I explained, praying Rebekah and Kol didn't say anything. 

It was bad enough one person knew, but two? It was just getting worse. 

"Stay for dinner," Rebekah grits out. "You walked all this way."

I knew I couldn't get out of this one, so I just nodded thankfully. "I'd love that," I replied, and she purses her lips.

I appreciated her not saying anything, but she could at least act normal.

When we sat down, it was like any other meal I shared with the family.

"So, Mor, I was wondering if you could do a few spells for me? I do believe this is the century I find another doppelganger," Klaus asks and I nod happily.

"Yeah, of course. What kind?" I ask, politely. "They might take me a while, by the way, I'm coming down from a bit of a magical high, helping my father with this and that," I add, coming up with an excuse but Rebekah interjects.

"It's alright to ask for help," she says pointedly and I force a smile. 

"I'm perfectly capable of doing this on my own, but thank you for the concern, Bekah," I hiss but she just smiles tightly, angrily cutting a piece of chicken. 

"Sometimes, even when you're capable it's nice to have help," she shoots back. 

"Not when it's out of wedlock," I uttered to myself before realising my mistake. They all had supernatural hearing. 

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒂𝒚 | Elijah Mikaelson [1]Where stories live. Discover now