But there's only one person I'd ever want to be alone with.

Robert has made it known that I am off limits to all the men here. He says he is saving his Lady of a sister for a suitable man and for a time that we need to arrange an allyship. He says there are a few Noble Houses that we may need to form a stronger allyship with or form one with period.

Being married to someone should be my choice. Not the choice of my brother who throws names out left and right. Somedays he says he's going to dismiss Jaime Lannister as a King's Guard and marry me off to him, which would be so strange as my brother is married to Jaime's twin sister, Cersei.

Other days he says he's going to ship me to Highgarden and marry me off to Loras Tyrell to be sure that the Tyrell family never turns their back on us. Loras is his father's heir to the Highgarden and although it's a beautiful place, I know that Loras would never be a good fit for me. Seeing as he has been sleeping with my brother Renly for a while now.

Lately he's been trying to arrange me to wed anyone who's name he gets a whiff of. Just this morning he made me have tea and breakfast with a boy who came to visit here from Horn Hill, Samwell Tarly.

He was nervous and sweating the entire time. Spilling tea all over the table and breaking a beautiful dish that the biscuits had been served on. Although Samwell was a very nice guy he isn't the one for me. He spoke in jumbled sentences and I just chopped it up to him being a ball of nerves that was shaken to the core. Trying to make a good impression on the sister of the king, but unfortunately he failed.

My brother says that I should give him another chance at dinner tonight before he goes back home with his father and brother but I just can't do it. In fact, I never have dinner with my brother or my sister by law. So it was strange that Robert had been so willing to for all of us to dine together.

Usually I had dinner alone in my chambers, but if Renly is here in King's Landing he and I dine together just as we always did as children. He and I are the closest of the siblings. Stannis is too old to hang around with Renly and I, and hates that Robert is just an immature drunk although he's 16 years older than I am and Stannis is nearly 20 years my elder. Where as Renly had just turned 2 when I was born.

Dinner time was already coming near. I could tell by how the kitchen staff had been running about in the hallways and rushing around to be sure that the throne room would be ready and all the tables and chairs would be in their correct spots, including cards with each of our names on them.

The large oak doors had opened wide, giving a clear view to the throne room and the madness that was going on in there. Maidens running around like a chicken with the heads cut off while members of my brother's council gave orders and directions.

I leaned against a pillar and crossed my arms, laughing at how stupid this all looked. Candles being hung from the ceiling and arrangements of flowers being placed on the table. Arms were filled with plates and cups and then occasional loud crash and shatter of dinner wear being broken.

A shadow matched my pose on the opposite side of the pillar, following my lead and giggling as I giggled. Mocking the idiotic servants as they did all this work just for it to become a mess within minutes of everyone sitting down to eat.

"I hear your brother has another suitor arriving for you tonight." The shadow chuckled.

I bit my lip at the sound of his voice. Smiling and blushing knowing that he was within arms reach at this moment, but I couldn't reach out to him without it being made known of what we were behind closed doors.

BLIZZARD: Ours Is the Fury VOL 5 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now