Author Note (Important)

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Anyways I'm writing another story, due to being paid to make it. Hell yeah I'm doing that! Anyways, thanks to you guys for supporting the story.

Btw the story that I'm gonna publish is not related to Sonic at all, but I might make another Sonic story some day... some day. Anyways this story will continue on its normal path that it has always been on.

If you're somehow a fan of BNA go ahead and read the new story, I wouldn't say that I'm a diehard fan of it but money is money.

Anyways I'm not leaving this story, or at least until I die or the time has come for it to end, but thats in like 3 years.

Anyways wish y'all luck.

Also next chapter for this is called "Amidst a Conflict" It'll focus on Cadet's personality and how she sort of handles/panicks about violent things more than Y/n

Btw wattpad might force me to add the "mature" thing to this story due to war stuff and ptsd type of stuff. But I hope that doesn't happen cuz most mature stories ain't about action...

Next chapter in 1-2 weeks, and remember. I gotchu brothes!

Lone Wolf (Tails x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now