"E, did you not hear me? They have completely different purposes and no, I'm not turning a blind eye." He said, taking a glimpse back at them suspiciously. "What does worry me is that they're carrying blades and sufficient weapons that could wipe our ashes in a click." He paused as I stole them a glance at the weapons they held on their belts and hands. "This is not a matter of trusting them, E. Truce is what we need in our situation."

"Then make a truce."

"It's easier said than done, E." He said and I almost became frustrated at him. "We don't know them, they don't trust us therefore no truce will take place." He sighed as he ran a hand through his shoulder-length  dark brown hair. "And people like them don't belong with us, E."

"What should we do then? Toby and Michael need help, fast." I was too frustrated and agitated at everything, especially at what Ferlando was saying. I didn't waste time in questioning something I could do later. We stood in silence as thoughts processed in our heads. Thinking of any possible way to save Toby and Michael, maybe with the help of the two men. But first, were they trustworthy? They didn't seem very approachable.

My head snapped to the man who gave into a yell in our direction. "Hey,  you done? 'Coz I sure as hell ain't patient. Just tell us where the heck Toby is and we'll be going." He tried to reason, but Ferlando seemed to snap out of his daze and walk straight us to them. My eyes gaped vastly at him.

"Yeah, we're done." He said fiercely, his hands now out in the open clenched hard. "Tell me first who the hell are you, boy?" He said, his tone was final and that's it.

Before the man could intrude and once again make an accusation, Blondy stepped in hastily. "My name is Cav, and this Jack." He gestured to the man in black, then turned back to us. His eyes were beautiful but despite his innocent aura, it was full of courage and bravery. "We're here by the command of Ethan Hartley." He paused, backing down now as if losing sudden confidence by our silence. "A-Any familiar?" He stuttered.

Before the man intruded, Fredrick took a stand. "Yeah actually, he is familiar." He turned towards me and beckoned me further to Cav abruptly that I almost tripped. "Can you please escort El to The Camp." He said with such authority that I was astonished by his sudden change of aura. His face shown no appeal nor neglect towards anyone causing me to remain quiet.

Cav creased his forehead. "But, Sir, what about-"

"Me and your partner here will take care of that." The man still maintained his silence as if he wanted this to be over with. He looked over to Cav and gave a nod in approval.

Whilst their attention was away, I took this chance to glance at Ferlando. "Is this really necessary?" I didn't really crave to go back, especially if Ethan would be waiting at the other side, after that last argument I don't think I could face him one more time.

Ferlando gave me a look that only I seemed to acknowledge from the two men in our presence. His expression held a look of worry and concern with a combination of something I couldn't decipher. He then turned back and walked to Jack, whom didn't look so pleased at Cavs small speech.

I felt a nearby presence and glanced to find Cav beside me. "Should we go, now?" He reached out for his neck and shyly broke contact time to time.

With a silent nod, he understood and turned on his heels, leading the way efficiently. With one last glance back at Ferlando, he and Jack were already out of sight.

The journey ahead was full of thoughts of Ethan, The Camp, Michael and Toby; including William. I won't ever forget how he seemed so desperate for love, for someone to finally acknowledge him and have a shoulder to cry on.

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