"I missed you!" Y/n shouts squeezing him, before jumping down from him.

The older man laughs a little "I can tell." He says, ruffling up her hair like he always used to do.

"I'm starved." Ahsoka said walking forward, holding both her bags and Y/n's.

Obi-wan hums "I second that." He says "I haven't eaten since yesterday." He adds with a sigh.

Padmè smiles "Well lucky for you guys, lunch is probably ready." She says, looking over at Noah who nods to confirm.

Y/n grins "Bantha biscuits?"

Anakin laughs a little "I'd bet my life theres bantha biscuits." He says, walking over to stand beside Y/n.

Noah lets out a breath "Well, me and Padmè will show you all to your rooms. And then we can have some lunch."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Obi-wan says with a sigh, placing a hand on his stomach.

"Poor Obi."


"So, how are you feelim?"

After lunch Y/n and Noah had gone off on a walk together, to talk about many things. The first half of the walk had been silent, it was a heavy silence. That was until Y/n spoke.

Noah let out a heavy breath "I'm scared." He mumbles "And....and sad."

Y/n glances at him "Sad?" She asks.

"My parents."

"Oh." Y/n breaths out in realization "Right." She murmurs.

Noah stops walking, and turns to look at the lake "I need to tell you something. Something.....really important." He says.

Y/n glances at her brother with worry "What is it?" She asks.

The older man doesn't say anything for a moment, making Y/n worry. Finally he let out another breath "Padmè's pregnant."

The womans eyes widened, and she fully turned to her brother "What?!" She shouts.

Noah looks at Y/n with tear filled eyes "Padmè's pregnant." He repeats.

It takes Y/n a moment to process his words, then she squealed, and jumped wrapping her arms around his neck "I'M GONNA BE AN AUNT?!"

"YOU'RE GONNA BE AN AUNT!" Noah shouts back, equally excited as tears dripped down his cheek.

Y/n steps back "I can't believe this." She says in disbelief, tears pooling in her eyes. Not from sadness but from excitement "How long?"

"We found out yesterday, she's only a month pregnant." Noah explained wiping the tears from his face.

"Am I the only one that knows?"

Noah nods "Yeah. We don't wanna tell anyone, just in case. But we wanted to tell you, cause you're this baby's aunt....and godmother."

The tears that had pooled in her eyes, finally dripped down her cheek "Really?" She gasped.

"Would I really joke about this?" Noah asked crossing his arms.

Y/n laughed a little while wiping her face "I still can't believe this." She says.

"I know." Noah says with a laugh, as he begins walking down the path again.

"I can't believe you got my bestfriend pregnant." Y/n says while walking at his side, "Ew I can't believe you fucked my bestfriend."

"Stop." Noah begs with a groan.

Y/n snickers "I can't believe you got laid in general." She says shoving him gently.


"This is too funny." Y/n says with a sigh "But seriously, I'm happy for you." She adds happily.

Noah looks over "I know you are. You're just weird about the way you show it." He says.

The two bursted out into laughter, using each other to stay standing as they walked down the path. Everything was so perfect, and tomorrow it would be even better.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now