Chapter 5: The Attack

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It is now 5 AM as Gojo and Geto are near the entrance of the organization.

Gojo: When do we go in? It's getting boring out here, not fighting.

Geto: We're not fighting until we get the information we need.

Gojo: Why not? Beat up everyone, grab the intel, and then destroy the building.

Geto: If we do that, we'll get stuck underground. Just wait.

Gojo: Fine...

30 minutes have passed and nothing has happened, until Gojo tilts his glasses down to the right to check for anything.

Gojo: Suguru, people are coming from below.

Geto: Good, get ready.

After one minute, a small hatch opens as a Bull Head flies out of the ground and flies off, with Geto and Gojo already jumping in. They fall for quite a bit, and before hitting the ground, Gojo starts to float, while Geto rides an Eagle Grimm and lands safely on the ground.

Around them are multiple Bullheads, covering a large area. They notice two men in a tower not watching right now, so they jump on top of the tower and take out the guards with a strong punch to the head, stealing their uniforms.

Gojo: They've got bad taste in uniforms.

The suits are brown with black pants, a red tie, and a yellow hazard jacket on top, along with a hard hat.

Geto: They do have bad taste, but it doesn't matter since we need to go before they find these people.

Gojo and Geto leave the tower.

Geto releases over 30 Grimm in the area and orders them to stay there and knock out any worker who enters. They head to the power control room before heading to the main room. Gojo reveals his eyes slightly to see if anyone is coming closer.

Geto: Hold on, I've got an idea.

Gojo: What's up?

Geto: Before we head to the main room, it's best if we go to the power control room and destroy it so the cameras and any potential traps don't get set off.

Gojo: Sounds good. Oh, let's ask them then.

Geto nods in understanding.

A door opens, revealing a man who was looking at his clipboard and about to walk past them.

Worker: Huh? Oh, morning... I see that you guys also had the morning shift...

He yawns.

Gojo: Hahaha... Yes, you know how the commander can be. "Go and work, you fools!"

Worker: Hahaha. Yeah, you're so right...

Gojo: Me and this new recruit are new around here. Mind telling us where the power room is and the main office for the leader?

Worker: Ah... Oh! Yeah, sorry. Just head to your left, then go right and head downstairs. You'll find it there. But why do you need to see the leader?

Geto: Um... you see, he just told us to leave without giving us any work, and we wish to work to help.

Worker: Determined workers, huh? I like that. Just head straight and upstairs. You'll know it when you see it...

Gojo: Thanks for the help. Good luck with your morning!

Worker: Thanks, I need it.

Geto is slightly impressed with the man falling for their act.

Geto: Well, he wasn't the brightest...

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