[ Prom night ]

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Keith ran a hand through his hair, feeling a bead of sweat glide down his forehead. Keith hadn't exactly planned to come to prom night on his own it just kinda happened. Well, he did kind of have someone in mind he wanted to ask but he doubted the person even knew him. He was fine on his own. Plus Keith didn't mind staying in the corner of the loud dance, the twinge of alcohol, bright colorful lights, and the loud music blaring in his ears.

He took a small sip of the drink, it was rather bittersweet with the faintest taste of alcohol. Keith frowned as he watched people jump up and down with their hands in the air unable to help feeling a twinge of jealousy as he saw couples, friends, and strangers dancing with each other.

Going to take a step forward he stopped himself and leaned back against the wall slowly No no. you're fine in the corner Keith He would tell himself. Keith would ponder on whether he should just go dance but ended up deciding it was best not to. 

Keith's heart skipped a beat.

His gaze landed on Lance as he walked in brightening the whole room, with two others who he had known as Pidge and Hunk. He dressed smartly in blue jeans a white t-shirt and a blue tie his hair slicked back with a sort of gel as he wore a large grin. His ultramarine eyes scanned and flickered around the room like an excited puppy as he spoke to Hunk who seemed equally pumped as Lance did. Keith would never admit aloud but he absolutely was head over heels for Lance since day one of being in his classes. 

Forcing himself to remove his gaze solely from he Cuban boy he focused back on a little ripples of his drink. "Hey Keith!" A cheery and all to familiar voice. Lifting his gaze to the speaker he instantly stiffened. Lance. Just act like you dont know him then maybe he will leave you alone. A voice in keiths head told him.


His smile fell. Keith felt a stab of regret in his gut. "Yknow- Keith and Lance neck and neck?" He said slowly as if trying to jog my memory "..Uh...sorry...not ringing a bell..." I would say shifting. Lance huffed "Were in every class!" He said. I know we are, you sit in the front seat second along...Good job keith...your in too deep now.

"I think..I might..know you, your the...the..."

Lance raised an eyebrow, leaning in a little closer as if to speed it up "The... aren't you part of the football team? Voltron lions?" Keith would say trying to to pry facts of the Cuban male from his brain. Good thing he had loads of things he knew about Lance. "The names-" Lance would start but Keith cut him off "Lance," 

The male gave a nod, "I don't...erm...have...a date..." Lance started awkwardly, obliviously Keith didn't seem to see that Lance wanted to ask him to dance "Oh...Sorry, I know any girl here would love to dance with you," Keith would say lacing his tone with freindlessness and not jealousy. "...Well I have someone in mind...but...I dont know if they would want too...since it would...be like..a date..and there really cool but more of the lone wolf type..."

Keith would nod, in an understanding manner "Just walk up to them and be like 'hey do you want to dance with me?' simple." he said, then mentally slapped himself god Keith your such a hypocrite "Hey, do you want to dance with me?" Lance asked. Keith smiled "Yeah just like that." he said. Lance slapped his forehead "Do YOU want to dance with me?" Lance asked him again



"...you want to...dance....with me?" Keith asked as if Lance had asked him to commit mass murder. "Yes," Lance said with a firm nod

Guess Keith isn't staying in the corner for his prom.

「 AN:

A fluffy chapter for a change :)

Thanks for reading! hope you enjoyed this chapter. Any ideas for future one-shots that you would like to see let me know

constructive criticism is more than welcome

¡Adiós! 」

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