[ Voltron texting ]

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A story filled with chaos and just hopefully funny moments.


Lance: What up nerds!

Lance: Guys come on!!! I get it's Saturday morning and we had school yesterday but come on!! why is no one awake?!

Pidge: You just assume I actually sleep? peasant...

Lance: Oh please forgive me great one *Epicly bows*

Pidge has changed their name to: Great one

Great one: You are forgiven for now...

Keith: I will end you all.

Lance: What did we do!?

Keith: I'm trying to sleep asshole...but the chat is exploding with your stupid messages.

Lance: well only the weak need sleep.

Keith: I have knives.

Lance: Touche. 

Lance: Your mullet is stupid

Shiro: Just walked into keiths room and he's there with his knife throwing it at an image of Lance, should I be worried?

Lance: . . . 

Great one: BAHAHAHA

Lance: you have an image of me!? Aw, how sweet!

Keith: piss off.

Lance: Love you too <3


Hunk: Really guys? it's like...6 am

Great one: Hunk! klance is canon!

Hunk: Holy egg-fired toast!

Lance: As if I'd date someone like Keith!

Shiro: that's a little hurtful

Keith: What's wrong with dating someone like me?

Great one: OoOo drama~

Lance: I don't know! I guess emo?

Keith: Bitch.

Hunk: Ok guys let's not fight in the group chat

Coran: I agree strongly with Hunk

Great one changed their name to: Pidge

Shiro: Ok ok everyone calm down!

Allura: My word! what is going on!? it's so early!

Pidge: Lance and Keith are at it again.

Lance: Excuse me!?

Keith: Lance started it.

Lance: oi shut it bitch! at least I'm not some hot-headed emo!

Keith: Just piss off.

Shiro: Break it up!! neither of you talk to the other!

Pidge: Dam, the drama was just getting good.

Hunk: Pidge.

Coran: Maybe my amazing mustache powers can save us!

Allura: Coran...please.

Pidge: Well it seems as if everyone is awake, should I add slav to the chat?

Shiro: Don't you dare.

Pidge: :)

Shiro: don't.

Pidge has added slav to the chat

Lance: what's up slav!

Slav: Hello!

Shiro has permanently kicked slav from the chat.

Shiro: Never again.


Coran: Why do you hate slav so much, my boy?

Shiro: we don't talk about it.

Pidge: we don't.

Hunk: we just don't.

Lance: we never talk about it.

Allura: No we do not.

Lance: oi mullet why are you so quiet?

Pidge: Keith?

Hunk: Buddy?

Shiro: I'll check on him.

Keith: No need, I was busy doing stuff.

Lance: doing what?

Keith: nothing of your concern.

Shiro: is it of my concern keith?

Keith: No it's not Shiro.

Allura: Let's, not bombarder keith guys.

Pidge: Allura is right.

Lance: whatever

Hunk: ... anyway what has everyone got planned?

Coran: I and Allura are going to the museum with her father.

Allura: Yes! we're going to have lots of fun!

Lance: Bet you could have some fun with me~

Shiro: Lance.

Lance: whaaattt?

Keith: No one wants to hear your cheesy pickup lines.

Lance: Well no one wants to see your ugly face!

Shiro: you two never stop fighting do you?

Lance: he started it!

Pidge: Oh my god both of you shut up before I lose my mind!!

Lance: well he can just go jump off a bridge!!

Shiro: Lance calm down!

Hunk: ouch dude.

Coran: ow.

Lance: it was a joke! also, keiths to emo to care anyway!

Keith: I've got to go now. bye.

Allura: Shiro are you in the same place as Keith or-?

Shiro: No, I went to Adam's house like 20 minutes ago after I walked in on him to say goodbye.

Lance: oh well, so back to what we were asking what peeps have planned!


✎: A/N

Thanks for reading!

Part two?

let me know if you want any certain one-shots for me to write!


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