[ Rewrite of VoltronTexting ]

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Sharpshooter = Lance

SpaceDad = Shiro

EmoKid = Keith

Pidgeon = Pidge

Hunk = HunkRamsey 

Coran = MustacheMan

Allura = PrincessAllura

Slav = Slav [Gets banned in like a second :>]

. . .

Sharpshooter: Hello!!

Sharpshooter: Guys!?

Sharpshooter: Come on it's only like 6 am! 

Sharpshooter: I swear if y'all don't answer in a minute ima spam all of you with MEMES

Pidgeon:  What happened to need your 'beauty sleep?' to look beautiful?

Sharpshooter: Well I'm already beautiful

Pidgeon: Is there a reason you're spamming us this early?

Sharpshooter: You said you never sleep!

Pidgeon: I don't. I was making myself another coffee

EmoKid: I will end all of you.

Sharpshooter: And why is that Keithy?

EmoKid: I was busy sleeping until my phone blew up with all your stupid messages.

Sharpshooter: Not stupid its URGENT.

EmoKid: Stupid.

Sharpshooter: You're stupid!

Pidgeon: Guys

EmoKid: Piss off

Sharpshooter: I love you too <3

Pidgeon: go back to kindergarten you two

Pidgeon: Klance is canon * mind blown *

HunkRamsey: Guys seriously? 

Pidgeon: Hunk. Klance. Is cannon

HunkRamsey: Hot applesauce

EmoKid: The actual heck is Klance?

Pidgeon: Your names put together

Sharpshooter: As if I'd date someone like keith! 

Emokid: What's wrong with dating someone 'like me'

Pidgeon: dRaMaaAaA

Sharpshooter: Because your KEITH!

SpaceDad: Alright you two break it up

HunkRamsey: Yeah let's not fight in the group chat, please

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