Part Twenty Five-No More Losing

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Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Man, after this chapter (the joint training arc) we'll only have about 7 more arcs to go give or take! Hard to believe that I'm already about halfway through this story, makes me kinda sad that it's nearly over...Or so it seems (;

Yuta POV
I once again try to shout with all of my breath, hoping that maybe this time I'll be able to make at least some kind of sound. But just like all of my previous attempts, nothing escapes my mouth that's able to pierce through this inky void. Out of options that I could currently think of, I tuck my legs under my arms and curl there as I float through this endless void— wishing that I would just wake up already so that I can be free from this curse for tonight...

But just when I feel as if it couldn't get any worse, I suddenly hear a faint whisper float above me, daring me to listen to what it has to say. Tilting my head up, it's words flow through my ears like needles.

"I don't deserve this! Just take All Might for all I care!" My own words echo throughout my mind

"Whatever, this is why I wanna leave! Dealing with people like you everyday is a pain!" It feels as if my mind is being shattered a million times over

"I'm going alone. I don't need a wannabe like you around, you'll just hold me back" my heart beats louder and louder with each passing reiteration of my own words

"I wish you would just hurry up and croak already so that I don't have to live on this planet with a "person" like you anymore!" Is the final phrase that tears into my as all the previous ones continue to repeat in my mind

I try to yell for it to end, that I've changed and regret all of the bad things that I've said and done, but still nothing is able to escape my mouth. Tears begin raining down my face as I try to cry out for something, anything to drag me out of this hell. I pull at my own hair as I try to force myself awake from pain, but my entire body has grown numb to any sort of physical pain that I may feel. My head begins to spin as the void around me becomes more and more blurred as if it's sucking me into it. I then feel something start to crawl up my leg and as I look down, I see as parts of the void start to absorb me from the bottom up into itself.

Trying to desperately resist it as my own words still play in my head, I try to reach for something to claw at or grab onto so that I can fight back. But no matter where I flail my arms nothing is there for me to grab ahold of. The darkness crawls up my entire bottom half and slowly starts creeping up my torso. It crawls up until only my face and one of my hands are left outstretched. My hand slowly fades out of view as the void slowly encompasses my face, I try letting out one lady cry for help. One last plea for someone to be there for me...

I let out a bloodcurdling scream as my eyes flash open. I launch myself upwards as my body continues to force itself to scream, to let out at least any amount of anguish that resides in my body just to give it momentary relief. Once my screaming stops, I rapidly breath in and out through my nose as my entire body shakes. I angrily grip my blanket and clench my jaw shut, grinding my teeth as my sore throat recovers.

"I'm so done having these nightmares! This sickness is utterly ruining me!" I angrily think

Angrily yanking the covers off of me, I make my way over to my bathroom in advance for my nightly puking session.

"At least these rooms are well sound proof..." I grumble to myself just before I start puking my guts out...


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