Part Eighteen-Go Beyond

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Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! (:
Yuta POV
It's been a while since we've started training our ultimate moves, though I can't say that I've been training that hard honestly. I plan on bombing the exam anyways, so why should I bother doing all this training if I'm not gonna need it after this?
I haven't heard from Kendo since that day either, not that I care though. It's none of her business if I wanna drop out or not anyways, so why should I care that she's upset? Even if it has been a bit quiet lately, that's just how I like it.

"Man...My nerves are starting to act up. We're actually going to, hopefully, get our licenses" Sero says to me

"I guess...I wonder how many of us are gonna pass?" I respond

"I'm sure we'll all pass! We've been training super hard for today! Can't let it go to waste!" He enthusiastically cheers

"Right...Can't let our training go to waste" I say

Mr.Aizawa then speaks up to the rest of us after talking to Mineta.

"If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses, then you novice eggs will become chicks. You'll hatch into semi-pro heroes. Do your best" he encourages us

"All right, I'll become a chick!" Kaminari determinedly says

"Let's call out the usual! Ready, set...Plus-" Kirishima's cheer is interrupted by some guy from a different school

"Ultra!" The stranger finishes the cheer

"You shouldn't just barge in on other people's huddles, Inasa" another stranger with purple hair says

"Oh, no!" The other stranger says, "I am...very...extremely...sorry!" He literally bangs his head on the floor, revealing his shaved head, as he bows in apology

"That's...certainly one way to apologize..." I deadpan

"Wait, that uniform...!" Jiro says

"It's from that famous school in western Japan..." Kirishima says

"U.A in the east, Shiketsu in the west..." Bakugo finishes

"Hmm...Can't say I've really heard of them. Though I do somewhat recognize those hats" I think

"I wanted to try saying it just once! Plus Ultra! I love U.A High School! I am extremely honored to be able to compete against U.A students!" This Inasa guy shouts

Shortly after the students from Shiketsu leave, Mr.Aizawa explains to us that this Inasa guy actually beat Todoroki in the recommendation exams for U.A. But for some reason turned the school down and went to Shiketsu instead.

"His name's Inasa Yoarashi? Even though he says he loves U.A, he threw away his chance to enroll, I don't get it" Sero says

"Right? What a weirdo" Ashido agrees

"He's weird, but he's the real thing. Keep an eye out for him" Mr.Aizawa warns us

"Eraser? It's you, isn't it, Eraser?!" Another stranger's voice calls out

As soon as we all heard that voice, suddenly Mr.Aizawa freezes up and an irritated look grows on his face.

"I've seen you on TV and at the sports festival, but it's been a while since I've seen you in person!" Says the voice of a woman with an orange bandanna as she approaches Mr.Aizawa

"Heh. Welcome to my world, Mr.Aizawa-" my thoughts are interrupted by her next words

"Let's get married" she says with a smile

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