Part One-The Pursuit of Fame

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Hello everyone! Welcome to A Hero for the Fame! This idea has been has been cooking in my head for a bit now, and stemmed from my newly discovered admiration for a certain character who's more in depth than people realize.

Now, I'm sure you all will figure out said character easily enough, but I just wanted to try and do something similar to it in hopes I can get more people to realize just how deep the character is.

Anyhow, without further introduction, I hope you all enjoy this story! (:
??? POV
Getting up out of bed, I silence my alarm early as I've woken up earlier than intended. Getting out of bed, I head over to my bedroom mirror, looking at my messy blonde hair and tired expression.

"Another day..." I think

Going on with my daily routine, I make sure I look as perfect as I can for when I get to school. Heading into the living room, I see my big sister eating her breakfast on the couch while watching tv as usual.

"I bought breakfast" she says

"Hm" I nod as I head over to the table to eat

As we eat in silence, listening to the news on the TV, I remember that today is my sister's debut day as a pro hero.

"You're debuting today, right?" I ask to make sure

"Yeah, I'll be going out later today" she responds

"Good luck" I say

"Just don't watch it, I've gotta make a flashy first impression" she says

"Didn't plan on it" I say

The rest of breakfast continues in silence until I finally finish up.

"I'm heading out" I say as I head to the door

"Hm" she responds as she continues to watch tv

Leaving the apartment, I make my way to my school. And before I round the corner to the front of the school, I take a deep breath.

"Let's get today over with" I think

Rounding the corner, I get my game face on and head into the school.

"Takeyama! Looking good as usual" a guy who's name I don't remember says to me

"Really? I didn't really have time to get ready today. I woke up late so I'm hoping that I don't look too bad" I lie as I get into my shoe locker

"I-I think you look great! I couldn't tell that you woke up late at all!" Some random girl says to me

"You all are too kind to me, I just wish there was someway to repay your kindness" I say as I ignore all the cards in my locker as I change shoes

"Don't even worry about it! You're on the way to becoming a big pro hero after all!" Another guy says

"Yeah! Just make sure to remember us when you're famous!" Another guy says

"How could I ever forget any of you guys!" I lie once again

I head to class as more people talk to me while I reply with generic responses.

"Hm, I wonder if I'll be able to practice my quirk with sis today...Probably not though" I think as I space out during class

As I'm twirling my pencil around my fingers, I mess up and accidentally drop it and it falls to the floor beside me. As I go to pick it up, my hand is swiftly met with another's. I look up and see the girl who sits next to me has quickly bent down to pick it up for me.

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