Part Ten-Back To Regular Training I Guess

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Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! (:
Yuta POV
"What did those idiots do..." I think

Checking up on the news, I see a report where apparently Endeavor saved Midoriya, Iida, and Todoroki from that Hero Killer guy.

"Hmmm...Weird how all three of them happen to be there at the same time. Oh well, at least the Hero Killer was caught" I think

Putting my phone away, I finish gathering all my belongings and head out to the lobby of the agency. There I see both Powerbomb and Taihen waiting for me.

"Intern! No, Takeyama! I wish you luck in your journey in becoming a hero! And if you ever need another agency to intern at, please do not hesitate to contact us!" Powerbomb says

"You surprised me, intern. Good work this week" Taihen says

"Thank you both. I learned a whole lot and I know that I've gotten stronger" I say

"Keep your strength high and your spirit higher! Till next we meet, young hero" Powerbomb says with a small salute

With one last goodbye, I leave Iyamasu Agency and head for the train home.

"You know...that wasn't that bad. Well, minus the extreme exhaustion. I could do without that" I think

Riding the two trains, eventually I'm able to make it back home.

"I'm home" I say as I enter the apartment

After taking off my shoes and heading into the living room, I notice that the place is unusually clean. I look to my sister who's laying down on the couch, on her phone, while eating.

"Hey uh, why's everything so clean? I'm not complaining, but you're not really the deep cleaning type" I ask

"I had an intern. A real sucker too" she says

Yup, that would explain it. Whoever chose to intern under my sister must have been real desperate. But oh well, so long as they didn't mess with my room.

"Well my internship went well if you're wondering. I even had to take down this gross, ugly beetle villain" I say

"Yeah, I saw your interview along with those two heroes after the battle. Not bad" she says

She then lowers her phone and looks at me with a smug face.

"Mt.Man? I'm flattered" she smugly says

"What?! You know how popular sibling hero pairs can be! Civilians eat that stuff up!" I justify myself

"Hey, I'm not complaining. It's a good way to increase our notoriety" she says

"Good. Glad to see that we're on the same page" I say

"I just knew all along that you liked me enough to be a hero duo together" she smugly says

"B-Be quiet! I'm only doing it for the perks of having matching names! Nothing more!" I exclaim

"Love you too, little bro" I hear her smugly say as I speed walk to my room

"Blah blah blah, can't hear you!" I say

Quickly entering my room and locking the door behind me, I fall face first onto my bed and lay there for a moment.

"Too much has been happening lately, it's a bit overwhelming. least my life is actually interesting now.." I think as I let out a sigh into my pillow

The next day...
"BAHHAHAHAHA! Seriously?! Seriously, Bakugo?!" Both Sero and Kirishima burst out laughing

"Stop laughing! My hair's gotten used to it, so it won't go back even after I wash it! Hey, stop laughing! I'll kill you!" Bakugo shouts

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